Anyone Have Experience with Name-Domains?

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And you can too!
May 25, 2007
Denver, CO
I picked up a dropped domain that is someone's name (firstlast[dot]com) without really thinking about it (PR4, a few thousand backlinks, it was an impulse). I guess this guy is something of a minor celebrity in certain circles, and I was planning on aggregating a bunch of feeds on the topic on which he's an expert and feeding-Wordpress with them.

I assume this guy has some recourse to come after the domain if he wants it back, but he owned it before he let it drop (so he had the right of first refusal, so to speak). Should I just spam the hell out of it and let it get banned before he can go through the legal proceedings to take it back? Or actually make it semi-WH and see if he leaves it alone?

I guess what I'm really asking is how fast can someone re-acquire their name via legal channels? And based on that answer, I'll determine if I need to make a small, quick buck or a bigger, slower one.

What would you do (or have you done) with a domain like this?

I think the best bet would be to just make a plain ocntact form, saying that the domain name is for sale. The guy (since he is willing to go legal route) WILL be having sufficient $$ to get an outofcourt settlement sort of a thing. It is cheaper to get the domain directly rather than pay the lawyer a fees

Also, I doubt he can do anything about it legally because he let it drop and there could be any other person by the same name. he has no right over it since the domain was acquired by u by proper means.
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