Anyone have an Instantdollarz contact?

lol never heard of them, but doubt I'd trust a network named "instantdollarz", especially with their page design
They are still open, i do a bit of rev with them they have a really big incentive list.
I have aim for them if that works.
hit them up a few times... they'll get back to you in day or two (at least that's been my experience).
hit them up a few times... they'll get back to you in day or two (at least that's been my experience).
ive been emailing them for the past month (maybe they're off for the holidays) ive gotten nothing but automated messages about when they send out checks... im not even asking them about getting my check
lol never heard of them, but doubt I'd trust a network named "instantdollarz", especially with their page design

I said the same thing about a4d before Jason acquired them. The staff had pictures of cartoon characters for christ's sake :x
I said the same thing about a4d before Jason acquired them. The staff had pictures of cartoon characters for christ's sake :x
