Anyone have a good Email source?

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New member
Jul 7, 2006
North Carolina
Well I have never tried this but was thinking about sedning an affiliate offer out via email. I believe as long as the company has double opt-ins it is legal so does anyone know a company that does this, or anyone tried this and didnt even get 1% out of it?

Just curious, but if you seriously know a company thats legit, pm me or let me know here.

Thanks :bootyshake:

I'm pretty sure he's asking if anyone has an email list he could use to send out an offer.
no not asking for someones personal email list,,lol. Asking if anyone has used any of these companies that claim they have a double opt-in list that you can pay x amount of dollars and send your offer out to them.

I have never tried pushing offers via email so was curious as to you guys expierience with it.
Mill said:
no not asking for someones personal email list,,lol.

Yeah, that's not what I meant at all. I got what you were asking, but apparently I didn't explain it any better than you did.
i know what you mean - i've been looking for something similar. i have some friends that run a large email management company and they said pretty much all paid lists you can buy as advertised on google are not worth much.
We have had success with - I am not sure if they have an american site or not.
Best of luck to you Mill. It's a rough area with many unscrupulous mailers who'll be more than happy to take your cash and dash. I wouldn't be comfortable recommending anyone, but can give you 3 heads up....

1 - If you hire a mailer to send an affiliate ad out on your behalf, you need to realize you are responsable if they break the rules (spam, adware, whatever).

2 - Don't pre-pay much, if any. And if you're buying a BIG email drop, try to section it up into a few smallers drops so you can back out if the first one generates no cash for you.

3 - Mailers which will charge you CPM rates often only charge on CPM because their list is crap and can't earn a penny on CPA. Be weary of big promises. If their list was that good, they'd fill their inventory with CPA ads themselves and not have to rent it out.
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