Anyone had an experience affiliate marketing in the Photoshop niche?

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New member
Jul 26, 2008
London, UK
I have a site that gets ~200-300 UV per day in Photoshop niche and have had trouble trying to monetize it. I'm stuck trying to figure out if I should sell the site or go and fully develop the community aspect of it.

There seems to be a few affiliate products out there but I don't know if they don't sell from my site because they suck or if my visitors are just not buyers. I had one affiliate link that I referred like 1200 visitors to over a 2-month period and I got one sale which turned into a refund straight away.

Yes I am an affiliate marketing noob :D

If you have a good user base just develop the site. Try and bring it up to ~1,000 UV per day and create a community board and draw in more traffic. When I use to be into that sort of stuff a few years back I remember those sites making quite a bit of money off of private advertisements (no adsense) give that a try when you have ~2,000 UV per day. With any luck you can make bank.
@CShoemaker - thanks, yeah Adsense pays crap so far. Maybe I just need a lot more traffic. But yeah I have suspected for a while that if I were to get community features into the site, it would start to get a lot more traffic as the user base grows. I'll probably start doing that on the side once I get my other project out to market. I do kind of like the idea of having the site be completely ad-funded. At least then support issues are basically non-existant and I can focus on simply growing the site and working on my main project which I am hoping will be my main earner.
Just slap Aweber on there and start building your list. Offer them freebies for signing up. Then, if you do it write, hopefully, you can make a killing on the back end.
Yeah I've had a few people signing up on the list (got about 100 subscribers so far). Even outsourced newsletter writing to somebody who's done a great job but have spent so much time on Traffic Android I haven't had a chance to actually prepare and send the newsletters out.
Tutorial sites are a bitch to monetize. None of the users have any money.

I think most use private advertising (see pixel2life) and do alright. I'm planning on making a site in this niche soon actually.
I tried the adobe affiliate program, but I found out that nobody buys photoshop. I was using adsense but it is shit, now I am trying a new contextual engine. For some reason I am not allowed to talk about, but it is doing way better than google right now.
I tried the adobe affiliate program, but I found out that nobody buys photoshop. I was using adsense but it is shit, now I am trying a new contextual engine. For some reason I am not allowed to talk about, but it is doing way better than google right now.

Even if people did buy photoshop...think about it...why would you try to sell photoshop to people looking for HELP with photoshop? :xomunch:
I was previously trying to run with a couple of Clickbank affiliate programs but they were behaving badly (i.e. not converting at all). I think for the site to do well I have to significantly improve the traffic and get creative with what/how I promote. The private advertising idea is good. Anybody know how to get private advertising going? A box that says "Advertise Here"?
sell monitor color calibrators, photo printers, tablets as mentioned above, smugmug so they have somewhere to show off their creations, etc

find the best one product in each category and push taht- ie the value award of the year printer that's on sale at _______ for $XXX.
I was previously trying to run with a couple of Clickbank affiliate programs but they were behaving badly (i.e. not converting at all). I think for the site to do well I have to significantly improve the traffic and get creative with what/how I promote. The private advertising idea is good. Anybody know how to get private advertising going? A box that says "Advertise Here"?
I would need to see the site but I am sure I could give you some basic offers that get some good conversions. The advertise here thing I have seen around and there are basic programs you can add to make it work.
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