Anyone got experience getting online comics traffic?

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Do you mean online comics such as .cbr files which put comics that you buy in the store online? Or are you talking about comics that people draw and place online almost like a newspaper comic?
Sorry ... I'm an idiot...

what I mean is .... things like VG Cats ... and Penny Arcade etc ...

they must surely get traffic from somewhere ... I wanna know if there's anyone around that may know some shit about this :)
It's basically viral marketing. pretty much the same shit as humor sites: exchanging links,stumbleupon,link dumps.
Cool ... now ... who's into that shit... any good at it ... and who should I be talking to ? I do NOT have time for that shit ... :p I run a full time illustration setup and we really don't have time to get that side of things moving ... but soon will HAVE to ....

Ive been operating humor sites for about 2 years now and I assume the comics stuff is pretty similar especially if you'd update pretty often. I could give you a hand.
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