Anyone Good With Stocks?

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New member
Jan 9, 2007
Hey Guys,

I have a project for school where i am using a stock simulator where I have 100 grand to buy as many shares as i want of any real stocks. The simulator is using all the stocks that are on the stock market now but with play money instead of real money. And if i win i dont have to take my economics final! So anyone have any good tips?


Well, since it's for a project you will probably want to focus on short term trading methods rather than long term ones.

Other than that, buy low sell high.

edit: damn. kingrage beat me to it ;)
Well, since it's for a project you will probably want to focus on short term trading methods rather than long term ones.

Other than that, buy low sell high.

edit: damn. kingrage beat me to it ;)

How long do you have? A couple months? Try KRY.
Invest all of it into a super volatile penny stock and hope for a quick 100% return. That's more than anyone else will make investing in non-prospective stocks.

That's actually not a bad idea.

Toss shitloads of money into tons of shares of like $0.10 stocks, some will die, but if you get some to go up you're rolling in the dough :D

Or you can research options trading. Personally I really like options and the whole concept that goes with them.
I think that homebuilder stock is pretty much at the bottom and should start going back up, but I don't know how fast.
Stock Tip

Throw 10% of your portfolio (10K) into this one VMHIF US - I'm expecting a big boost in the next 5-10 days. You should be able to double it.
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Most of those fake trading sties don't allow you to invest in anything worth less than $5.

I would look at upcoming splits (they usually rise after the announcement and fall before the split, you could short it.) Look at buyouts, the one being bought rises the buyer falls. Earnings reports can be brutal.

All of these are on short term though. You really have to look at the time frame for all of this.

Look at some of the american car manufacturers, they seem beat up. Just think of the news everywhere and what affects it. Learning to trade stock effectively takes about as long as anything else.
Not sure If I am alowed to link other boards and whatnot on this site. But here it goes.

Motley Fool is an investing site, that explains investing. In about 1 hours worth of reading you will have a pretty good idea of do's and don'ts.
They also have tons of info on their forums, as well as strategy and investing guides. Their main mission is eplaining in terms you can understand what investing is, and how to do it. Stock Market Advice | Stock Investing Advice

hope that helps, and good luck.
Can you trade options? If you know what you're doing, you can turn some quick bucks with options.

I agree, if they let you trade options put your money there. For example stock symbol "ISE" is up 46% today but if you bought the May 55 calls you would be up 8,166%!

I've been buying AMZN put options. AMZN was up 40% last week on good earnings but it seems way overvalued but the damn thing is barely going down today even on downgrades.
I teach an Economics course and would never use this as an instructional method because you can cheat.

Most of the simulators use 20 minute delayed quotes and do not allow options, shorting, or penny stocks. So...,Spend $10 on real time quotes (search google and find the cheapest or borrow access from a friend. Then find volitile stock issues (stocks that swing large percentage changes in price in one day) Use your real time quotes to find stocks that have started to go up big but the 20 minute delayed quotes (from yahoo or MSN) are not showing the upswing in the stock yet. BUY, BUY, BUY. Look for your real time quote to top out, record the time and add 20 minutes to find out when you sell.

This method successfully netted one of my students a 20,000% return in two months with no losses. You will not do as well since you need to go to school during part of the trading day.

The instructor did ask questions though.:D

If you want to really learn what you are doing I second the Fool or check out my sig later this summer when I release my speculative trading humor blog. (Hoping to link my two favorite things; trading and escorts) Forget that your a kid.

How long is the contest for? 1-month, 6-months?

If you want to win you'll definitely have to 'swing for the fences' and go with some high volatile penny stocks as already mentioned. I'd never recommend this for real money but in order to get some great gains this is the way to go for these kind of contests.... blue chip stocks aren't going to win you anything.
Hey Guys,

Thanks to everyone for the overwhelming support and help on this project. Well I made about $10k today from that nice jump from dow jones (DJ)! I agree that the best way for me to win will be to buy some highly volatile stocks. I bought a couple of those on monday and some of them jumped 20% and made me a nice return. So I really dont know anything about options... Why are they so good at making money?

How the heck did that thing ever go public?
I can't even seem to find an income statement for it newer then March 06. And during the quater ending in March 06, this company had $15,000 (not a typo) in revenue, and spent $88,000 to get that $15,000

The summary of their March 06 income statement is at VMHIF.OB: Income Statement for VIRTUAL MEDIA HLDGS - Yahoo! Finance if anyone is curious.

Throw 10% of your portfolio (10K) into this one VMHIF.OB - I'm expecting a big boost in the next 5-10 days. You should be able to double it.
My stock recommendation of VMHIF has almost doubled since I posted it last week. Volume is 10x normal, and I'm having fun with it so far.

Today alone the stock is up 47% and it's not done yet!!!

Click here for the yahoo finance report.

I only recommend this one to high risk investors and the reason why I suggested he only allocate 10% of his "play money portfolio" to it. Hopefully he wins and doesn't have to write his exam!
Apple stock is too expensive to generate a good return from a small seed investment, however. Also, tech stocks are pretty volatile. Do your research and find some penny stocks. If a ten cent stock goes to 20 cents, you've doubled your investment.
Can anyone reccomend a company for real stock trades?

Im not really crazy into it, but I did invest like 10 shares in IHR which dropped like a fucking bomb by the way....

I used Sharebuilder and I logged in today to see if I could check out that penny stock but not only does Sharebuilder not support that security, it also is $15.95 per a trade...

Is Zecco any good? Id like to not pay tons of fees...
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