Anyone Go To UWO?


New member
Nov 5, 2006
Drinking and Learning at the University of Western Ontario

[ame=""]YouTube - UWO arrest October 14 2009[/ame]

It must have been bring your kid to work day for the police of London Ontario.

I count 6 cops on top of the guy.

Damn, thought this was gonna be University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh. Pigs here are just as bad.
I don't see anything controversial about that at all. You don't see why there needed to be 6 cops on top of the guy.

I have a feeling if he had just put his hands on the wall he might have avoided it. OR do you think they had planned this in the morning meeting?
Talked to my friend in london, this is what she said;

>>>why'd they gang him like that? what did he do?

>> he tried to force himself into someones office on a
>> upper floor. then ran down to the main floor and was caught by
>> cops/campus security

>>> do you know what for? there's a thread on wf about it right
>>> now and everyone is speculating, it'd be nice if i could toss
>>> proper info in

>> i dont think that info was released . [/SIZE]
Boring, nothing to see here. This happens at just about every campus on thurs-fri-sat nights and usually even worse. Basically anywhere you have young people, first time getting out on their own, and alcohol it never ends great.