Anyone go/going/at to DefCon?


Rape and Pillage Canada!
Dec 24, 2008
Las Vegas
So I just got back from picking up my badges for DefCon (unfamiliar? Check out This is my 5th year attending. I fucking love DefCon. Today I sat in on a lock picking talk and I'm about to go into a one regarding the basics of soldering and working with electronics. So much cool shit goes on. I figured that there might be some fellow attendees on here. Some of the presentations going on this weekend:

Sniff Keystrokes With Lasers/Voltmeters - Side Channel Attacks Using Optical Sampling Of Mechanical Energy And Power Line LeakageDeath of

Anonymous Travel

Attacking SMS. It's No Longer Your BFF

Air Traffic Control: Insecurity and ADS-B

Picking Electronic Locks Using TCP Sequence Prediction

Cool cool shit.

"Anonymous Travel"

Tell me more, seriously.

I want to see/read/know that.

They give you a cd with the Power Points of all the presentations on them, I'll see if I can't upload that somewhere for ya.

Edit: It appears that this presentation isn't on the cd...

Double Edit: Once the conference is over, they upload all the content here :
Bookmark it and check back, it may be there later.