Anyone ever tried Acai Berry?

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You mean actual acai and not the shitty weight loss stuff? If so, yes, and it does taste really good. I would recommend smoothies from Sambazon or juice from Bossa Nova.
Acai smoothies are great.

It's just another berry. Nothing magical about them.
To an extent. They're not magical, but they are antioxidants(which do work). Essentially all these different diet products are just taking the same stuff stoners use to flush out their system for a drug test, and marketing them as diet products.
You wanna see truly overpriced versions of this shit? Go to a head shop and ask for a detox drink.
Well yeah, antioxidants, but those are in plenty of other things (red wine, etc).

I just meant 'nothing magical' as 'they won't give you super energy and cause your hideous love handles to melt away'.
I've tried the Monavie Acai Juice, but not the actual fruit. It tastes pretty good. Overpriced, but good.
Yea, I've tried the products from Sambazon. The strawberry ones are really good. Then I started to do my research on it and found out the berries derive from a steroid plant.
There is a pomegranate and acai drink in the UK which is ok. Doesnt really taste any different to the plain Pomegranate drink though. Its not that expensive and they dont make any crazy weight loss claims. Personally im sick of hearing about it now
There is a pomegranate and acai drink in the UK which is ok. Doesnt really taste any different to the plain Pomegranate drink though. Its not that expensive and they dont make any crazy weight loss claims. Personally im sick of hearing about it now

Really what's it called?
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu guys from Brazil swear by it. Acai and also pineapple to aid digestion..
Acai has way more fructose in it that a lot of other berries. Make sure you brush your teeth. Same deal with pomegranates, although you can make grenadine out of them and that shit is awesome for cocktails!
If you're after antioxidants, blueberries are the way to go. They're so red, they're blue. I know how contrary that sounds, but ask a professional dietitian. They're also high in vitamin C.

As for Acai fruit giving you energy?
I get the feeling any benefit is a mixture of psychosomatic effects and a boost in vitamins that a lot of people are lacking due to eating overly processed foods nowadays. If you're already eating 2 fruit / 5 veg a day, you probably won't notice a thing.

The pills? Now I'm pretty certain, just like any other genuine diet pill, they've got speed in them.
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