Anyone else living in Costa Rica?


New member
Feb 5, 2010
Just wanted to ask if anyone else lives, frequently visits, or is planning to visit Costa Rica from this forum?

LOL! -I always imagined the CR in your user info meant the Czech Republic!

Sorry, haven't been there yet. Sounds beautiful tho... Hopefully in a year or two.
LOL! -I always imagined the CR in your user info meant the Czech Republic!

Coincidentally that could actually apply in my case for other reasons...

If you do come down let me know! At the very least I can tell you where to go and what to do.
Coincidentally that could actually apply in my case for other reasons...

If you do come down let me know! At the very least I can tell you where to go and what to do.

how long have you been there? do you recommend it? As an american, is it possible to find work other than IM there?
I try to get down once or twice a year to fish, usually Golfito and Manuel Antonio. You are lucky to be living down there, it is a beautiful country.
Visit every few years... direct flights to LAX are nice.

Got destroyed in Playa Hermosa back in April. That black sand is scary during a wipeout at sunset. I had no clue which way was up, but it's just a beach break so no biggie. Then we had to go to a wedding in Manuel Antonio.

Cool country but I have other places to visit now, can't be going back to the same place over and over when there's unchecked boxes out there!
how long have you been there? do you recommend it? As an american, is it possible to find work other than IM there?

I have been down here for 16 years in total now. I think it's a great place to live if you want more freedom and a much more laid back environment to live in (this of course has it's pluses and minuses).

Sure as an american you can get a job down here but a few things to consider:

1. Immigration is pretty active in trying to find people that don't have papers.

2. You can get a job without papers but you'll end up working in a scam sales room or the gaming industry in a smaller book.

3. 'Jobs' here simply don't pay what you would be used to, but enough to live here.

I try to get down once or twice a year to fish, usually Golfito and Manuel Antonio. You are lucky to be living down there, it is a beautiful country.

Fishing is absolutely great! I love going with a passion. Done both fishing with a local in a wooden boat that looks more like a canoe than a boat and also the big sports fishing boats. The big boats are nice but takes away from the chill factor.

Visit every few years... direct flights to LAX are nice.

Got destroyed in Playa Hermosa back in April. That black sand is scary during a wipeout at sunset. I had no clue which way was up, but it's just a beach break so no biggie. Then we had to go to a wedding in Manuel Antonio.

Cool country but I have other places to visit now, can't be going back to the same place over and over when there's unchecked boxes out there!

Yeah I don't blame ya, lots of other places to visit. Playa Hermosa is famous for having nice big waves to kick ur ass. Black sand, white sand it doesn't matter it all hurts the same and gives you the same scrapes / rashes.
Hi, we have chatted before, but wanted to reply on your thread that I spend about 75% of the year in Nicaragua...and typically about a month's time visiting friends in Costa Rica. I have some friends in buena vista and down south near gulfito.

Are you a resident?

I really like Costa Rica, but my girl is from we stay there.

We recently made an earthbag house down there which is kick a$$.
Took a long time.
There is a couple of very nice ones in CR.

Speak soon, hopefully we can meet up sometime.
UBlack, yes I'm a non-conditional resident. I have been here on and off since 7 years old so they sorta grandfathered me in. You can still get residency here and the easiest way is with a large deposit in the bank as a "rentista" which basically means you have enough in the bank to live on.

Have not spent much time looking into "natural" or "eco" homes but I know there are parts of the country where they are very popular.

@jfizzle: Gas is pricey. $1.56 / Liter (or) $5.89 / Gallon

I don't work on ANYTHING locally. I just live and spend. This will change in the future as I have a few internet properties that I need to dedicate some time to that are specific to CR.

In recent years I've been dedicated to programming... I do quite a bit of LimeLight / UltraCart API integrations (will be posting in the BST about this soon).
I always wondered why anyone would want to live in Costa Rica, where the cost of living is pretty much the same as the U.S., wouldn't you rather be in any of the neighboring countries where you get the same scenery/lifestyle at a much lower cost?
No way. The infrastructure, safety and stability here are what makes it worth it. You can drive anywhere and for the most part be fine (not worried about malitia groups or military ass raping you). You don't need to worry about the government just taking your property (unless through courts because you were a theif). The cost isn't a problem for me.

I like tropical weather, I like happy people and I like freedom. I get all those here and I can enjoy most of the products I could have back home. I have some of the nicest beaches in the world and the coast is only a 45 min drive. The food here is amazing in most places as we have first generation people coming here from their home countries setting up real authentic restaurants. There are people that are looking for cheap. You can still find some stuff here (real estate) that is a good buy, but it won't likely be in the prime areas.

Poor guy, no camera skills and will soon be sharing a cell with "Carlos" for spooning an underage girl. Very very poor example of the talent in CR. There are very good looking women here. However if you want the best of the best you need to visit Medellin, Colombia. Costa Rica will not disappoint though.

@greenleaves: Fuck ya, pretty sure we're going.
I personally didn't like Panama all that much and have heard the same from people that have lived there. I think it's nice to visit but it's really hot, humid and uncomfortable. People are not nearly as friendly as in CR (in my experience). It is however a great place to setup corps and business related things, but not a physical location or office. That is of course just my opinion.
Good timing for this thread - I'll be seeing you soon Nick!

Doing tons of research on CR re my expat plan, and agree that this is much safer/better than domrep, belize, Panama, especially for gringos - The residency laws recently changed too for those looking to fast-track it (200K on RE gets you started - DomRep has the lowest barrier but that's why it's not the safest too - Others have $350K reforestation investments to help you with your res.) tax setups are very attractive there and the literacy rate is 96%.

So far out of all the places I've looked at CR is the most attractive for those that can afford the move.