Anyone else having a problem logging into Linklicious?

I dont have problem on logging in but in some cases I experienced problem on creating RSS Feed

So possibly something going on at the Linklicious end?

I've now tried on my home PC and VPS and had the same thing happen on both.

Tried the contact us form on the Linklicious website but if the rest of the site is being weird I'm not sure how much I trust that my message will get through.
Sorry guys... There was a networking issue at the data center (Softlayer) that caused some connectivity issues with the database server. It was up and down for around 6 hours before we woke up and became aware of it. It's been resolved now and I'm working to understand exactly what happened over there so we can prevent it from happening again.

Sorry guys! Also, you'll get better urgent answers from emailing in through the site as there are 5 of us that sit on the ticketing system to answer it.