Anyone else been ripped off by Hazzan?

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New member
Nov 29, 2007
Has anyone else been ripped off by Hazzan lately?

Long story short (but I'll prolly turn it into a short story long), he did an article writing job for me and it turned out great. He asked me if I had any more for him and I said I prolly would when I get back from vacation (this was back in July). I get back and ask him if he has time for more articles, he says yes, so I send the money (on July 22). As time passes he keeps coming up with excuses and delays, but I am a nice guy and give people the benefit of the doubt.

Here I am a month and a half later with no articles and no refund (except for the whopping 16 cents my paypal claim netted me). His last PM to me said he would send me my refund and articles (I think this past saturday) and sure enough I have received nothing yet. The most annoying thing I think is that the first job he did for me went great and I had my articles in like 3 days. I guess that is how good scam artists work, they suck you in with one job and then take your money the next.

Anyone else deal with this guy recently, or been in communication with him recently?

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