anyone doing biz with underground elephant?


fly lice
May 28, 2008
saw this in cpa advertising association group in linkedin and was wondering what peoples experience with them were.


Underground Elephant Closing Down?

Had emails from employees that they may be closing down? I called, no one picked up, can anyone confirm this, or deny? Would love some clarification if this is true, or just a rumor.

Posted 6 days ago | Reply Privately
Comments (4)


thanks for your concern.. as you could probably expect the phones were ringing off the hook this Friday. The buzz has lasted into the weekend and everyone is asking what is happening at Underground Elephant. Our hope is that it has enough traction to carry us through leadscon.

As a marketing company our job is to get people talking, so let me share with you some updates.

As CEO, I am happy to report that the company is in fantastic shape and on track to have its third consecutive Quarter of 2x Revenue growth. Both sides of the business including lead generation/network are growing and we have expanded into Santa Monica. Our publishers are quality and our offers converting. Our client retention rate is around 94% and we just launched our new EDU Site

We are continuing to hire and have some opportunity as you might have read on the network side. So far we have had a good number of resumes and emails come-in inquiring about the network manager position in just the last 24 hours..

We appreciate our publishers, advertisers, clients and fans and look forward to serving you now and in the future..

If there is anything you need Pace email me and I will make sure you get taken care of..



Posted 5 days ago | Reply Privately

Jason, I'm a bit confused? You are spreading a rumor of your demise in order to generate buzz?

I apologize for bringing this up in a public forum, but as you mentioned, no one was answering your phones. I was not looking to alarm anyone, I though it curious.

Thank you for the prompt reply.

Posted 5 days ago | Reply Privately


While we are not in the rumor spreading business, it would be foolish to not capitalize on the traffic.

Friday we were overwhelmed with calls, IM's and emails.. one of the reasons we are hiring is to service demand and ensure a better user experience.

Just from the last post in our discussion ,we received another top candidate and we are narrowing our choices this week.

Thank you again for looking out, you seem to have the pulse of the industry.

have a nice weekend.


Posted 5 days ago | Reply Privately

Jason, I am 100% sure you were a politician in another life. You have amazing skill at answering-not-answering the question :)

Posted 4 days ago | Reply Privately