Anyone do PPC with EPN/phpbay sites?

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New member
May 14, 2007
Does anyone do PPC with EPN or phpbay sites? I had a site de-indexed recently and thought this might be something I could do with the site. It was converting pretty well before it got deindexed.

Any tips or thoughts on how to figure budgets or if I should not do this.

if your site got banned on search it might be banned on ppc and if not banned then get a real crappy qs.
if your site got banned on search it might be banned on ppc and if not banned then get a real crappy qs.

Yes, I thought that might happen but it would be worth testing. I had planned on adding more content to the pages anyway.
What do you mean, de-indexed? From G? Ask? Msn?

I add content to my product sites all of the time. Find the cheapest writer you can, and get them to write 200 word product intros, and slam those on your category/broad-keyword pages.
It shouldn't get banned with ppc (infact that's how I saved my site when they questioned my traffic sources) but ...yeah...tracking is for shite.
i've been using EPN for a couple years now...tried PPC a couple times with no luck. its extremely hard to track conversions and unless you're selling a high priced product, hard to turn a profit.
What do you mean, de-indexed? From G? Ask? Msn?

I add content to my product sites all of the time. Find the cheapest writer you can, and get them to write 200 word product intros, and slam those on your category/broad-keyword pages.

Sorry, deindexed by G
I think I had too many ebay links and not enough content on the pages.
If you do PPC to EPN, you need to clone your site and do split testing. Let me explain. Let's say you have You have one site at the root of the Then create a folder called site001. Copy the content of root to the folder site001. Then clone the sql database in phpadmin (let me know if you need more instructions on that).

Okay, now in EPN create two campaigns, foo and foo1, with the latter attached to the cloned web site in folder site001.

When doing PPC, having half your adgroups pointing to foo and the other half pointing to foo1. Do at LEAST one of month split testing, at the end of the month you will be see whether foo or foo1 is more profitable.

If you are really an eager beaver, you can make foo2 cloned site and use that to test keywords that you suspect are really shiite. Since I started doing this method, I've eliminated several groups of keywords that generated bids but never really converted.

Oh, and one last thing. EPN is really seasonal. Like in December, it's really hard to NOT make money. And the first week of January, well for most niches just turn off the PPC.
Was that lesson, don't bother you'll lose money or was it yes I can turn a profit with this?

It was "wow so this is what everyone was talking about when they said EPN is run by monkeys" lol

I broke even actually. I'm sure the right person could turn a profit.
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