Anyone buddypress?


SEO Faggot
Dec 31, 2012
Sup fuckers,

I'm trying to transition from a blog to a user-generated site, and am considering using buddypress. I have a pr3 .org, in a niche that has a considerable amount of interested users (the niche, not my blog).

Has anyone had any success with using buddypress? It's seems a little hokey, but with the newness 1.7 update, any fucking buddy can run a community.

I want users to be able to upload their own content like blogposts and pics and other shit that the fuckwits would get their jollies on.

I'm unsure about the platform, and I guess I'm worried about the issues concerning spam profiles from GSA and XRumer.

Also, I'm running an unmanaged server with digital ocean, using nginx, so posting with BP1.7 might be fucked up. If anyone has done this type of shit and could recommend a forum or buddypress or bbpress, get at me.......