Anybody Use LifeLock?

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New member
Feb 9, 2009
I was thinking with all the fraud going on right now and obviously increasing internet fraud, that LifeLock might be a good idea, especially as an affiliate.

Is there anybody who uses it and/or has any insight/reviews on it?

I suggest TrueCrypt too. It encrypts your entire hard drive (don't bother with its virtual drive feature) using an algorithm that is approved by NSA for top secret information.
I remember when I first started hearing those commercials my first thought was that there was going to be a 100% chance the guy's identity would be stolen. Just to spite him.
IDProtection doesn't actually do anything for you if your ID does get stolen.
It's basically insurance against ID Theft, in that they'll pay out, and go in to bat for you in regards to your now fucked up credit rating.

You still go through all the hassle of having your ID used to create fake accounts and credit cards, and then a couple of months of being persona non grata as far as financial institutions are concerned.
The only difference is that you can get your life back on track.
IDProtection doesn't actually do anything for you if your ID does get stolen.
It's basically insurance against ID Theft, in that they'll pay out, and go in to bat for you in regards to your now fucked up credit rating.

You still go through all the hassle of having your ID used to create fake accounts and credit cards, and then a couple of months of being persona non grata as far as financial institutions are concerned.
The only difference is that you can get your life back on track.
The big guys in the industry do provide assistance and monetary compensation for certain things (including lost wages and legal fees):

Identity Theft Protection - Credit Fraud Protection

They're a bit different policies, but each has its strengths.
Actually, credit monitoring watches it, but you can do it through a service or call direct and wait on hold, to lock you own credit so no one (including your self) can open a credit card or loan or anything.
pm me you card numbers and info and i'll let you know if your safe :)

seriously though, its not fraud that gets ppl caught out, it the dumb mother fuckers that connect without a firewall, anti-virus or anti spyware (and don't update their Pc cause its running on a pirated copy of XP) and then click on everything they see.

The hacker then owns everything you have, builds a profile and onsells, effectively acting as AM selling your data.

The real question you should ask yourself is how do I stop them from getting the data and what measures do i have in place to mitagate the threat, not what do i do once its taken.
Well I was just thinking today, especially when you sign up with new, smaller networks - never know how many people get your SSN.

Plus, at my day job there's a database and there are a few people (I'm one of them) who has access to every employee in the company's SSN - Just scary to think about.
Well I was just thinking today, especially when you sign up with new, smaller networks - never know how many people get your SSN.

Plus, at my day job there's a database and there are a few people (I'm one of them) who has access to every employee in the company's SSN - Just scary to think about.
That why it's best to get a tax ID # for your company and not use your SSN.
IDProtection doesn't actually do anything for you if your ID does get stolen.
It's basically insurance against ID Theft, in that they'll pay out, and go in to bat for you in regards to your now fucked up credit rating.

You still go through all the hassle of having your ID used to create fake accounts and credit cards, and then a couple of months of being persona non grata as far as financial institutions are concerned.
The only difference is that you can get your life back on track.

This is right on. They charge you for fraud insurance because the fraud alert that they place is something you can do for free by calling into any of the three reporting agencies. The alert notifies you when anyone tries to open a line of credit using your SS#. This fraud alert lasts for 6 months, so just renew every time it expires.
Lifelock will (supposedly) pay up to $1mm for the legal fees if something bad happens but read the fine print. Insurance companies make money by NOT payout out claims.
People shouldn't think in terms of credit anyway.

Make millions so you don't need to worry about credit rating.

Besides that, what else can someone do to screw you over if they have stolen your info?
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