anybody tracks their cat/pet with GPS?


New member
May 4, 2012
about to get a cat, but I have so many neighbors that lost their cat, around here you see lost cat signs on almost every pole. I get attached to these furry animals, so I don't want that to happen to me. I'm wondering if I shouldn't invest in some way to track that fool down if he ventures too far..

found these websites:

Track My Cat
Tagg the Pet Tracker


about to get a cat, but I have so many neighbors that lost their cat, around here you see lost cat signs on almost every pole. I get attached to these furry animals, so I don't want that to happen to me. I'm wondering if I shouldn't invest in some way to track that fool down if he ventures too far..

found these websites:

Track My Cat
Tagg the Pet Tracker


Do you have similar links for humans?
My sister's dog was stolen by Batak people. Never saw the dog anymore. The Batak folks are famous for eating dogs.

True story.
Galacon when you coming down mehico way? Good fishin for a randy bait salesman and I got a boat ;)

As for the cats... I'm not a cat person. I think if an animal doesn't want to live with you then you're doing it wrong.
Make it an indoor pet unless you're out in the yard with it.This way your cat isn't digging up and shitting the neighbor's gardens, caterwauling at night, getting hit by a car, eaten by a dog (or raccoon, or fox, or coyote), getting into fights with other cats, getting poisoned, diseased, lost, stolen, and also isn't killing the local songbird population.

Problem solved.
Pic of OP:

Make it an indoor pet unless you're out in the yard with it.This way your cat isn't digging up and shitting the neighbor's gardens, caterwauling at night, getting hit by a car, eaten by a dog (or raccoon, or fox, or coyote), getting into fights with other cats, getting poisoned, diseased, lost, stolen, and also isn't killing the local songbird population.

Problem solved.

but a car should be allowed a certain level of freedom..
It's a cat. It doesn't need to be let outside. They're small. An okay sized house is plenty of room/freedom. Especially when you've admitted yourself that the neighborhood you live in has had a problem with missing cats.
It's a cat. It doesn't need to be let outside. They're small. An okay sized house is plenty of room/freedom. Especially when you've admitted yourself that the neighborhood you live in has had a problem with missing cats.

I know bro, but honestly when I look at stay-at-home cats, they're fat, lifeless and look extremely depressed. The sexiest and happiest cats I've seen are the ones that are let free by their masters to go out whenever the fuck they want.. sure there are risks they run into other cats and get into fights but I think that's perfectly natural and healthy. I really dont think they're meant to be in a house 24/7, especially males.
I know bro, but honestly when I look at stay-at-home cats, they're fat, lifeless and look extremely depressed. The sexiest and happiest cats I've seen are the ones that are let free by their masters to go out whenever the fuck they want.. sure there are risks they run into other cats and get into fights but I think that's perfectly natural and healthy. I really dont think they're meant to be in a house 24/7, especially males.

[ame=""]How to walk a cat on a leash - YouTube[/ame]
I have two adopted feral cats. The older one doesn't seem to be welcome at the vet's office anymore after that one incident even though it really looked like a pretty superficial wound and wasn't bleeding that much.

Cats are predators and seem to be happy when they can hunt. Except maybe those big fluffy white ones, I'm guessing those are kind of inbred.
Some asshole stole my sons pug. I wish I had a gps tracker on him. I payed a fuck load for that little dog.