Anybody see this new website ""?

Does look like it'd be great for trolls. Think of all the hatred Macfags can receive in realtime.

Kind of puzzled by the point though. Not that I can do much more than hack about in php and js, so maybe it's not for me.

And this from the FB comments underneath:

"Hi Jamie - quick question about security. When coding, you often have to copy paste important things like API keys into config files, and a developer may expose his entire application by accident by streaming the contents of his config file - even for one frame that could be enough for someone to exploit that information. Is there safeguards or anything against that happening?"

I'm always copying and pasting passwords and sensitive shite.
Does look like it'd be great for trolls. Think of all the hatred Macfags can receive in realtime.

Kind of puzzled by the point though. Not that I can do much more than hack about in php and js, so maybe it's not for me.

And this from the FB comments underneath:

"Hi Jamie - quick question about security. When coding, you often have to copy paste important things like API keys into config files, and a developer may expose his entire application by accident by streaming the contents of his config file - even for one frame that could be enough for someone to exploit that information. Is there safeguards or anything against that happening?"

I'm always copying and pasting passwords and sensitive shite.

Haha it will definitely happen and it will be hilarious.
Seems like a terrible idea. I don't get why coders would want to stream videos or why viewers would want to watch videos. I see the educational value but that can already be done in many other places and focus on things outside of just code. It's kind of silly how these days the saturation level of the Internet is so high we have a service for every little thing, even if it provides very little if any value.
so yeah...
i see a lot of developers streaming now-a-days... usually they are working on a "the next big thing" and live stream themselves coding while doing a Q&A

and whilst there is a lot of developers that seem to enjoy streaming, there is never anyone viewing that garbage...
Any good developer is not going to waste their time streaming -- they got real work to do. Anyone streaming is going to be some state-raised, college-degreed, network-marketing "businessman" trying to raise money for his awesome startup that is even more pointless than the site he's streaming on.
I'm sorry, but why the hell would I want to watch someone type code in real-time?

I'm a developer myself, and I can't imagine how utterly boring it would be if I had to watch myself type code. It'd be right up there with watching grass grow.
It's great for organized classrooms at certain times for asking questions. Some experienced people on certain subreddits have done exactly that. It's awesome for beginners who don't know where to start, but it won't have much to do with actual coding.

Live coding is a very recent trend that was triggered by the growth of the IT industry, so now people who prefer visual communication and aren't exactly the type that works in the IT are coming aboard, thinking it will help them. Hell, even Youtube videos aren't that good when you compare them with traditional written instructions. I don't know how people who need to work out 3-5 logical steps in their mind at all times will be able to properly explain the process of coding at the same time.

As most developers know, after that enthusiastic rush comes the very boring part of hitting the books and just working on the code accompanied when the only words uttered are "aaaah, ok" or "i want to kill myself" every hour or two.