Anybody here in the online food blog/cooking biz?

Jimmy Clayton

New member
Feb 26, 2008
See thread title...

Does anybody here do any work in online food blog/cooking/youtube cooking videos business?

"Cooking/Food Education/Lifestyle" I guess?

My brain isn't working so good right now so my wording is off, but I think you know what I mean....

Looking to get into it myself and want to see if there is anyone here I can talk with before I take the plunge.

Thanks in advance...

Just take the plunge and let us know how it goes. Or at least get some research done and talk about a more definite/actionable plan than just a vague: I want to write about cooking/I want to read/I want... which you though of while in bed.

Your threads talk about doing, but never talk about having done. Stop with the faggotry, it is annoying.
Just take the plunge and let us know how it goes. Or at least get some research done and talk about a more definite/actionable plan than just a vague: I want to write about cooking/I want to read/I want... which you though of while in bed.

Your threads talk about doing, but never talk about having done. Stop with the faggotry, it is annoying.

Whatever dude.

I am not going to get into an argument with you again like the last time we met in a thread.

The fact of the matter is I have done research, I do have a plan, I have started to take action, but there is a specific issue that I would like to discuss with someone who has some relevant experience in this area. I have never done anything in this type of "lifestyle" industry where a large portion of my audience will be women.

But who cares. In your mind i'm just a lazy fuck anyways who has poor communication skills, just ponders ideas and never really does anything, etc.

Suck a dick, faggot. I will no longer respond to you.
greenleaves was like

then jimmy's like

I love the fire. Keep it going :ak:
I know a prevalent member who is killing the space (not me). Maybe he will chime in... Maybe he won't....
Suck a dick, faggot. I will no longer respond to you.

You really need to thicken your skin or pop a xanax. Nobody likes a rustled Jimmy. What greenleaves said to you is lighthearted prodding considering the kind of shit that gets slung around here. You're not going to get any helpful responses being a person who goes from zero to cunt as fast as you do.

But the answer to the question you have yet to ask is Pintrest, guest posts, and traffic cones.
You really need to thicken your skin or pop a xanax. Nobody likes a rustled Jimmy. What greenleaves said to you is lighthearted prodding considering the kind of shit that gets slung around here. You're not going to get any helpful responses being a person who goes from zero to cunt as fast as you do.

First off, I don't go from zero to cunt - I start at cunt and end at bigger cunt.

I'll admit I probably did overreact, but he pulled the pretty much the exact same bullshit in a previous thread I started and I wanted to try and end it before it went into something long winded.

I know i'll get no help in this thread now, but whatever. I'll find my info elsewhere.
First off, I don't go from zero to cunt - I start at cunt and end at bigger cunt.

I'll admit I probably did overreact, but he pulled the pretty much the exact same bullshit in a previous thread I started and I wanted to try and end it before it went into something long winded.

I know i'll get no help in this thread now, but whatever. I'll find my info elsewhere.

I've personally received amazing help from WF. I'm sure you would too.

But your approach is all fucked up.

Before you ask, you need to show those reading that you actually did do your research, that you are a serious person. What you post and the way you post makes you seem like a giant flake.

I'd love to see more people on WF do well, you too. Giving you shit is how we show love here.
I have never done anything in this type of "lifestyle" industry where a large portion of my audience will be women.

I bet there is a gigantic niche market with college/single/dating/divorced men who all need to cook and eat too.

I know i'll get no help in this thread now, but whatever. I'll find my info elsewhere.
That's a stupid thing to say being around here almost 6 years.
You should know better by now.

I'm a fucked up person with anger issues.

giving someone shit is not how you show love here or anywhere else. its how you show what a piss poor excuse for a human being you are

and whats wrong with that chick. the body is all fine but the face..
I'll give you one tip. First, look at the traffic:


Second, let us look at the traffic sources:


I think that's probably the biggest hint I can give you on how to be successful in the food blogging space.
I'll give you one tip. First, look at the traffic:


Second, let us look at the traffic sources:


I think that's probably the biggest hint I can give you on how to be successful in the food blogging space.

[ame=]Why Are You Outting? - YouTube[/ame]

Pinterest is dead, that shit is shopped, I've seen a few shopped photos in my time...
You need to genuinely love to cook and photograph to be able to succeed in this space. You don't need to be a greeeaaat photographer, even though it helps. I mean you photograph a dish like a plate of turd and 3 out of 10 comments will be, OMG Looks yummy, Recipe please ( even though you have painfully posted the recipe)

Oh, and be ready for all the pussy..... :)

I have 4000+ food bloggers on speed dial (facebook)
Forplay is the food network over here. To bad I suck at cooking, website building, seo , marketing and photography or I would have some constructive advise for you.
Why Are You Outting? - YouTube

Pinterest is dead, that shit is shopped, I've seen a few shopped photos in my time...

If you think Pinterest is outing, I know a lot of middle-aged women that are ahead of the traffic generation curve compared to the people on this forum.

You need to genuinely love to cook and photograph to be able to succeed in this space. You don't need to be a greeeaaat photographer, even though it helps. I mean you photograph a dish like a plate of turd and 3 out of 10 comments will be, OMG Looks yummy, Recipe please ( even though you have painfully posted the recipe)

I disagree to a point. The photography is what drives the large amounts of traffic. You can get a lot of benefit from doing a little reading. There are some good resources on food photography, and then even after the picture I suggest putting some text on the picture saying what the dish is.
Yes. About 10 or so niche specific food sites... got them only because the person who sleeps next to me is a foodie. Hardly a meal goes by around here without a camera.
Still haven't read that book on lighting photos for food though or bought a lightbox but whatev... to answer you yes several...

After the vitamins and supps category comes the food and recipe section and when it comes to clicks...especially now when everybody is looking to cook.

They are like little Ronco Rotisseries.:food-smiley-002: