Anybody heard of Biztorrents?

Jimmy Clayton

New member
Feb 26, 2008
Anybody here use

I do. Some good stuff there and registrations are open (I think)

Just thought i'd share for the uninformed.

Just a heads up:

I think there's something sketchy going on with this tracker.. I had an account with a sick ratio (5.0+) but when I went there to look for something fairly recently, my account wasn't recognised.

Sometimes with these private trackers you get deactivated if you don't login for awhile, but usually it would send you notification via email and/or you can go to IRC to reactivate. This didn't recognise my email address or account name, at all. Needless to say I didn't re-register & would advise you avoid based on my spidey sense. Plus the torrents/content was pretty shitty anyway: Think, omg I'm so glad I never spent a penny at WaFo before finding WF.. ;)

I have asked before and appreciate I'm a n00b round here, but if anybody has an invite to thevault I would love you long time (not to mention can reciprocate with some really nice non-biz invites.. Can provide proofs etc.)
Yep OP good stuff. Been going for years, I dig it. Mostly minutia for the masses and the usual stale biz-op and b2b marketing offers, but there are some gems in there(BH conf. bootleg vids/OG lectures/etc) that I haven't seen elsewhere.

If I wasn't such a selfish prick I'd say I wish I thought to share it first, but I I didn't.