Anybody ever just sat around...


New member
Jan 5, 2012
... And wondered why you had the blood type that you do?

I know this is an odd question but I lived the majority of my conscious life thinking I was A+ but a couple years ago I tested myself at the lab and learned I was O+.

This may not seem odd or a big deal to you guys but I thought and still think it is lol

Also I wanted to take this time and tell you that each of you have antibodies that react to other people's blood to the extent of being able to literally shred the Red Blood Cells (RBCs) to pieces.

Also, maybe not a big deal but if I was given the blood that I thought I was, I would have died.

Because I am O and thought I was A... If I was to receive A blood then my antibodies to A would dock and tear the transfusion's RBC up and caused a massive release of potassium, caused a heart attack and massive disseminated clotting.


This wouldn't happen in a modern lab, they test your blood in many ways before giving any units but the idea is still there.

Lol so what are your blood types?
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Uhm...too bad you are wrong.

Blood type does mean you are limited for the type of blood you can give but its not actually that you can only receive the blood type that you are. In your case you can get O+ and O-. You can give blood to O+ A+ B+ AB+

Learn to What's Your Blood Type?

Also AB+ master race, I can get blood from everyone. :)
I was getting some blood taken recently and asking the nurse some stupid questions

I asked if she could tell the type of blood by just looking at it.

She said if she could she would be rich.

I had to leave before I could ask how.
... And wondered why you had the blood type that you do?

I know this is an odd question but I lived the majority of my conscious life thinking I was A+ but a couple years ago I tested myself at the lab and learned I was O+.

This may not seem odd or a big deal to you guys but I thought and still think it is lol

Also I wanted to take this time and tell you that each of you have antibodies that react to other people's blood to the extent of being able to literally shred the Red Blood Cells (RBCs) to pieces.

Also, maybe not a big deal but if I was given the blood that I thought I was, I would have died.

Because I am O and thought I was A... If I was to receive A blood then my antibodies to A would dock and tear the transfusion's RBC up and caused a massive release of potassium, caused a heart attack and massive disseminated clotting.


This wouldn't happen in a modern lab, they test your blood in many ways before giving any units but the idea is still there.

Lol so what are your blood types?
Cool Story Brethren!
Uhm...too bad you are wrong.

Blood type does mean you are limited for the type of blood you can give but its not actually that you can only receive the blood type that you are. In your case you can get O+ and O-. You can give blood to O+ A+ B+ AB+

Learn to What's Your Blood Type?

Also AB+ master race, I can get blood from everyone. :)

Lol though you are right, you are also wrong. In high school/early college level blood courses they teach we can get all kinds of blood. THEY ARE RIGHT, however in a hospital setting it is not a common practice to give type specific blood.

Think about this, say Joe Blow has type A+ blood, well he should be able to recieve type A+, A-, O+, and O- but the issue would come about in the aspect of type O whole blood contains antibodies directed against A antigens found in the host.

Therefore the plasma from a type O person would destroy blood of the host in the case of an A host/patient.

This isnt something too troubling, as now they transfuse packed red blood cells but I wouldnt want somebody picking type O plasma or type O whole blood to transfuse into a type A fella. XD

Im an MLS. XD
The other day I was thinking that most fat people are ugly too. You don't usually see too many good looking fat people so then I thought "Are they fat because they're ugly or are the ugly because they're fat?"

So were they like "I'm ugly, my life sucks, I don't care if I get fat"? Or did they get the fat and ugly genes from their parents because fat and ugly people usually end up with each other so you can't really breed it out therefore perpetuating the cycle?
I don't think there is such a thing as a fat gene per se. But genes can predispose you in a way, with certain body types, metabolism, how you react to carbohydrates / fats. For instance if I were to eat the same exact meals as my best friend I would get fatter, but he will only get thinner.

But don't let outer appearances fool you. I know of a couple skinny people who are only that way because they have type 1 diabetes.