Anybody else get this email?


Sofa King Re: Tar Dead
May 13, 2008
North Idaho
Client just forwarded me this, supposedly from hostgator but sent from Seems phishy to me.

Attention - Mail server upgrade

From: tech-admin []
Sent: Monday, October 12, 2009 5:16 PM
Subject: Attention - Mail server upgrade


On October 16, 2009 server upgrade will take place. Due to this the system
may be offline for approximately half an hour.
The changes will concern security, reliability and performance of mail
service and the system as a whole.
For compatibility of your browsers and mail clients with upgraded server
software you should run SSl certificates update procedure.
This procedure is quite simple. All you have to do is just to click the
link provided, to save the patch file and then to run it from your computer
location. That's all.

Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter and sorry for
possible inconveniences.

System Administrator
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Phishing scheme/virus/trojan/adware/some malicious .exe file going around all over the net right now. If you can't recognize a phishing scheme from a link + text in an email, the internet probably isn't the right place for you...
Phishing scheme/virus/trojan/adware/some malicious .exe file going around all over the net right now. If you can't recognize a phishing scheme from a link + text in an email, the internet probably isn't the right place for you...

Yeah, thanks. My gut feeling was that it was something nasty but I thought I'd throw it out here to people that are much more internet experienced than I. Could have just googled the link string but then you would have missed out on a chance to snarkily bust my balls