any Ukraine webmasters here?


Sep 23, 2010
What are your opinions of whats going on in Kiev and other places at the moment?

Watched a bunch of videos on Youtube and Liveleak.

Stay safe!

for the curious:
[ame=]Ukraine Protesters Fill Kiev, Topple Lenin Statue - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]13[/ame] - Berkut trooper shooting at Euromaidan activist in Kiev, Ukraine - Protestors Clash With Police in Kiev - Ukraine: Protesters beat police with clubs

That's a very good question. I always wonder how Internet Marketers handle civil unrest in their own cities and nations.
Wife is Ukrainian, from Kiev. Her mum is still there. She called the other day to say she's been helping cook food and hot drinks and stuff for the protesters in the square, but think she's stayed away since things got more violent around the Dynamo stadium the last few days. Good luck Ukrainian bro's.
That's a very good question. I always wonder how Internet Marketers handle civil unrest in their own cities and nations.

It's gotta be some really serious shit to reach my mom's basement. I know the backroads to McDonald's and can tend to bypass 99% of the problems. It's not as easy for me to ignore the unrest in Azeroth though. Everybody goes to Stormwind. The vendors are just as good in Ironforge but c'mon. The flight paths take twice as long to get there.
It's gotta be some really serious shit to reach my mom's basement. I know the backroads to McDonald's and can tend to bypass 99% of the problems. It's not as easy for me to ignore the unrest in Azeroth though. Everybody goes to Stormwind. The vendors are just as good in Ironforge but c'mon. The flight paths take twice as long to get there.

This is probably the most entertaining real life Medieval Times show you're going to get.

They had a video on live leak the other day of some riot police getting caught out of position and got the shit clubbed out of them. Some dude had a shield and a hammer LOL (towards the middle).


How about the Catapult that they built?
[ame=]Practice is over in Kiev: Protesters fire stones from catapult - YouTube[/ame]

I have been off and on this livestreak since yesterday:
#EuroMajdan on USTREAM: Dear friends, we've been on air 24/7 since 27 november without a single break. To continue broadcasting, we need your financial hel...
All I know is if they're throwing molotovs and built a trebuchet, guns are next and pretty much unavoidable.

Bangkok's protesters got a lot worse yesterday too. The Yellow shirts have been burning down things downtown, (stopping me from going back!) and yesterday the gov there put the entire city on curfew for 30 days! That won't go over very well.

Both cities are proceeding the same way over the same time... I wonder which will explode first? (My bet would be on Kiev, but BKK is pretty unprecedented too.)
New weapon deployed by the Ukrainian government for the first time ever:

A big brother-themed text message:

Ukraine government texts ominous Orwellian message directly to cell phones of protesters | The Verge

Protesters were hiding their faces so the government there sent them all a little love message to their cellphones:

Dear subscriber, you are registered as a participant in a mass disturbance.

That's a nice trick... But stupid if you ask me because now these protesters have more to lose through inaction.

3 hours later they attacked again. Good on them.
At least one first dead protestor tonight (gun wounds), and a big response march is coming up.

At this point the majority of the protestors are not really pro- any leader, it's a matter of dignity and reminding the state that it's just a watchdog that has to be beaten up with a heavy boot when it starts to bite people.

The spectrum of the protestors is very wide, from regular people to anarchists and neo-nazis, but some groups obviously lead the way.

These guys are risking being shot and locked up for a loong time, but they are also experiencing something primordial and awe-inspiring in a way too.





Burning cops:

[ame=""]Беркут Горит!!! / Киев Грушевского Майдан Коктейль Молотова 21.01.2014 - YouTube[/ame]


[ame=""]Ukrainian Revolution. Euromaidan.[/ame]

Live stream:

[ame=""] Live 22.01.2014 - YouTube[/ame]
Geez, looks like it's getting pretty serious in Ukraine.

Maybe I'm off base, but one of the reasons for such fierce protesting is because most of the current protester's parents (or for sure grandparents) went through leadership of Stalin and/or HItler, so they know full well what happens if the state gets too much power, and they're not about to let that happen.

Different mentality versus the West, where we're just born and raised to believe we're the shining light of the world, and due to that just follow along with the government in praise. Over in Eastern Europe though, the remnants of corrupt dictatorship regimes still exist, so they don't give any leeway to the governments.

In the West, kids are raised to trust the government. In Eastern Europe, kids are raised to NOT trust the government. Am I wrong on that?
Geez, looks like it's getting pretty serious in Ukraine.

Maybe I'm off base, but one of the reasons for such fierce protesting is because most of the current protester's parents (or for sure grandparents) went through leadership of Stalin and/or HItler, so they know full well what happens if the state gets too much power, and they're not about to let that happen.

Different mentality versus the West, where we're just born and raised to believe we're the shining light of the world, and due to that just follow along with the government in praise. Over in Eastern Europe though, the remnants of corrupt dictatorship regimes still exist, so they don't give any leeway to the governments.

In the West, kids are raised to trust the government. In Eastern Europe, kids are raised to NOT trust the government. Am I wrong on that?

In general you are probably right. I'm from eastern Europe and my country was fucked up by Hitler and Stalin pretty hard.

After the WWII we have been under the ZSRR (Russian) occupation for a 40 years. We have been a part of ZSRR but we didn't vote for that. After war country was a big mess with no strong leadership... so we got fucked up pretty hard right in the ass.

Right now there is no Russians in my country and we are a "free" nation. However, there are still some cheap bitches that would like to like Putin's dick for a bag of M&Ms.

I guess my generation (born in the 80's) is the last one that actually have experienced direct effects of occupation. My father and uncle were using and distributing underground post and papers during that time. You could get in jail for this, and get screwed pretty bad....

We have also have experienced the time of political transformation (that's another BIG topic..).

I understand and feel Ukrainians. They are under Russian occupation right now and all they had (in their view I guess) was that road to EU... Or way out from under Putin's dick..

Look at this shit [especially from 1:00]

There are a lot of other movies.

This what ZSRR have been doing for at least 200 years, and what Post ZSRR gav is doing right now in Ukraine.
Hmmm, this makes me think it would be a profitable enterprise to sell anonymous riot gear to 3rd world countries via bitcoin.

Want to make a stand? Pay me motherfuckers! You'll get a better shield than a piece of wood, better masks than a piece of cloth and other shit.

The main problem, how many of those guys could afford it? Or maybe the CIA would buy it for them and enjoy the anonymous factor?

Oh, and yeah, that graph from Ibanez | Jan doesn't sound so extreme. Most of what is mentioned is pretty much across the western world (defamation, 'disturbance of peace', extremist persecution, etc) - I guess Matt is right, it is actually the theory of my father. Americans have never lived under a dictatorship, so they don't fear it, or see it coming. These people have, and very recently.
Americans have never lived under a dictatorship, so they don't fear it, or see it coming. These people have, and very recently.

Yeah, Ukranians seem to protest just a tad different than Americans:


Canadians are even worse. At best we'll probably write an angry letter, or maybe put an angry bumper sticker on our car, but that's about it. Apparently though, piss the Ukranians off, they go build catapults and start slinging rocks at the parliament buildings. :)