Any suggestions??

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New member
Mar 13, 2007
Hi Everyone,

I am seeking advice... I am obtaining really good, solid, payday leads... loads of them every day at a really good price. What would make most profit: to sell them to companies/individuals looking for leads (if you know where I could do this as well let me know)? To just keep them build up a mailing list and send them offers?? Or what else?? Just wondering what you would do??


If your looking for instant money sell them to individuals/companies else if you think you have lucrative offers which everyone gets a feeling like " What the hell - I can try that offer for the amount quoted " then build up your mailing list.
Give me 50% of them and I'll give you 20% of my profits.

Let me ask you this... How are you getting quality leads, when you don't even know what to do with them? I mean, you don't have to tell me your secret. I'm just curious.
If I wanted to sell them to individuals/companies I wouldn't know where to start... ??? ... I've seen some websites but they ask you to generate them through their system... I wouldn't mind selling them if I could find someone that offered me a good price for lead... Maybe what I need to do is approach cash advance/payday companies one by one and see if they are interested in buying them and for how much... it would be easier if I could just find a website, some kind of marketplace where I could just go and put them up for bid and sell what I get... but if not I can just email them offers they would be interested in and see what converts... hmmmm... just looking at my options...
Hi Phre0nBurn... maybe it wasn't such a good idea to post this here hehehe :) I don't intend to give you my secret... no... so you'll just have to keep wondering... it's not that I don't know what to do with them... I am just wondering what people think here would be the most profitable thing to do with them :) getting some opinion and advice to better evaluate my options :)
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