Any success with adsonar reps?


New member
Nov 15, 2008
2 years ago i tried the adsonar ppc system and for many months i was trying to manage the campaigns that the rep of adsonar created for me. After a lot of testing (LP and offers split) and intensive campaign optimization i ended having zero profits (first it was negative then profitable and then again negative).

These days I am thinking of creating a new campaign and get an adsonar rep to manage my campaigns, at least the campaign optimization part (while i will be testing LPs and offers). Did any one of you had success with adsonar reps till now? Should i trust them when they say they can make it profitable?

I am not lazy, i just worked pretty hard to end in a u turn in my previous efforts and that is why i am thinking of giving the optimization part to the adsonar rep.

Thanks in advance

Ugh, what sucks is there is so much traffic there and on other networks, but they are such a bitch to break into because they are all filled with the same freaking rebills which throw up the bids to a minimum of 1-2$ just to even show up in last place. Same freaking rebills for months at a time. The people running those offers must get insane payouts or they own their own products, because its a bitch to stay profitable at those prices unless your doing some shady stuff.
you guys really need to learn how to make funnels, do email sequences, and promote more than one offer. ya know so you can actually compete and stuff
Thanks for your opinions! Would be great if we had more. I also doubt if it is possible to make profit with such high bids and these awful CTRs.
you guys really need to learn how to make funnels, do email sequences, and promote more than one offer. ya know so you can actually compete and stuff

I agree 110%. I just never got into the email captures and email marketing. It's something I've always wanted to do and I've tried it a few times. But I always get put off by the cost vs reward. I know that getting all these emails will pay off in the long haul, but in my mind I'm thinking "I just spent a bunch of money to get these emails and I ain't even close to breaking even" Then just give up.