Any Spanish or Portuguese speaking IMers around?


New member
Sep 1, 2012
Given the English language markets are over-saturated and given Latin America's economic boom, serving Spanish and Portuguese speakers might do the trick

I'd like to hear from you guys

I run the Spanish marketing for many of our clients from Texas to the Caribbean and the English markets are much more expensive. Give it a shot, I find it works well for some industries, it's usually always 30 to 70 % less to run in those languages or target those countries.
Latin america is full of shoppers. Ever heard a pickup truck blasting mexican thug music drive around a pueblo? It's trumpets, horns, guitars, confetti poppers, acoustics cranked way up blasting a chorus of joy treble. Latin America's economic boom? Latin America IS a boom. Economically ready for your loud shitty ads and lacking content.*

Latin america is where I learned AM. Even a newbie such as myself can do it.

Thug-hate-joy ride around a pueblo. Sunglasses, wife beater, sweaty, big gold chain. posse in the truck. blaring the LOUDEST acoustic music with the TREBLE ALL the way up, because he's a thug. Around, literally, around, around, again, and again, and again. Man, pueblos are small.

* Respect to Latin America, perhaps your gained clicks are another example of their full hearts and friendly nature toward foreigners.

2 Benefits I can think of right now for hands-on marketing in Latin America, get money, and learn a language by some strange, intense immersion.

1 Drawback, learn the language fucking quick or increase your start-up costs with hired translation.
A little to add, cultural knowledge pays off in a unique way; setting ads to calendar, location, time of day, holiday, etc.
I run the Spanish marketing for many of our clients from Texas to the Caribbean and the English markets are much more expensive. Give it a shot, I find it works well for some industries, it's usually always 30 to 70 % less to run in those languages or target those countries.

I had good luck with adult affiliate shit

Sure, not as much money, but it's growing
Does anyone know the best niches to hit in the Latin American market? Does anyone have any experience with taking an existing product, translating it, and meeting success?
Language study actually English study is s good niche to give it a go. Dating too

Mercadolibre is the local eBay subsidiary and they got a decent affiliate programme

P90X and similar products sell great. Latin Americans are work out freaks, namely Brazilians