Any Pilots Here?

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I doubt that it's real, the landing was absolute fantasy plus there's no way he can stop the plane so fast but it was nice to watch, I'll give you that.
I used to be a pilot - can't afford it now w/kids in college, etc.

Looks real to me. The plane looks like an Extra 300 aerobatic that has about 1200 lbs of thrust and only weighs 1500 lbs or so + pilot so it can almost hold itself upright just with engine thrust.

Pretty smart move as the Knife edge doesn't use the wings anyway - strictly engine thrust with hard left rudder and it flies on the vertical stabilizer.

A tail-dragger landing on grass can easily stop in that short of a distance.
I used to be a pilot - can't afford it now w/kids in college, etc.

Looks real to me. The plane looks like an Extra 300 aerobatic that has about 1200 lbs of thrust and only weighs 1500 lbs or so + pilot so it can almost hold itself upright just with engine thrust.

Pretty smart move as the Knife edge doesn't use the wings anyway - strictly engine thrust with hard left rudder and it flies on the vertical stabilizer.

A tail-dragger landing on grass can easily stop in that short of a distance.

Actually, it's a fake viral ad by KillaThrill. The "pilot's" name is James Anderson and supposedly he's a pilot in the RedBull Air Race, but take a look at the roster:

The engine sounds are not properly synchronized, the radio chatter seems out of place and the people are definitely over-acting.

It is a great ad, though.
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