Any opinions on Producteev alternatives?


Expert Gambling Writer
Oct 30, 2010
I'm looking for a simple project management tool for keeping a couple of local females on track with their work. They're both reliable etc, but I just want one place where I can organize everything. iPhone app with notifications is a plus, and so is a lack of a serious learning curve. All I really need is the ability to organize projects into tasks and upload files.

I'm trying Producteev (free version) for it right now, and it kind of works fine I guess, but I'm wondering if anyone has any other recommendations. Something like Basecamp just seems like overkill at this point.

I'll go with various amateurs this time around.




You know you posted extra-ordinarily UN-productive pics on a productivity related thread right? Why not take some advise from your previous thread? :) -

This thread wasn't really about productivity, but while we're on the topic, I hate Trello with a passion, and I've used Todoist daily since it was recommended in that thread. The JulianTrueFlynn story about how cool he is kind of turned me off made for great jerking-off material though.
I use asana. Switched from Producteev a couple of years ago. Never really need to look for anything else. I use it to email myself tasks and mark them off.