Any of you used Open cart? Looking for Ecommerce CMS recommendations


WF Premium Member
Apr 7, 2010
Sup guys, currently running a small Ecommerce site on WordPress, while I love WordPress it clearly is not the best solution for this. I've been taking a look at open cart recently, and have read it is easier to work with than Magento and the like....

any recommendations you can give a newb to Ecommerce?

I've been looking at this too recently. I have a store using oscommerce but want something more modern and up-to-date for my next project. I've seen a lot of people recommend Magento but the more I research I do the more people say it's really slow if you have a lot of items. I don't know what the answer is right now. One of my competitors is using x-cart
I have used opencart, prestashop, and pinnacle cart.

OpenCart and Prestashop are very similar, both with fairly clean php code and nice ajaxy themes. I moved from Prestashop to OpenCart only because Prestashop doesn't support Paypal Payments Pro ( basically Paypal not in the normal way, but as a traditional CC processor). I liked both of them. Both of them do have the same hassle of having to use "community-provided" plugins and extensions for things that you might assume would come with the cart. Some of the plugins are high quality, and some are crappy. They aren't all free either.

I use pinnacle cart not because I picked it, but because I bought two sites that already had it. It's not bad, and certainly not as messy as some of the older shopping cart scripts, nor as bloated and slow as magento. It is, however, expensive. The "run on your own server" price, including source code, was $1k. Ouch. If you don't need the source code, you can find hosting with the cart included for about $30/month. The reason you might choose something like pinnacle cart is that it does most things out of the box without having to download plugins, etc. ( PP Payments Pro, Canada Post shipping, Google Products integration, etc)