Any Money in Giants domains?

Personally, not worth it. The bulk of traffic that could have come is dying by the day. However, you could do some fan stuff about them and try to sell merchendise, which may be decent. I know you are excited about them winning, but it just seems to be too much work for a commercial site. As a hobby for fun, go for it!
Right. I was thinking of setting up an ecommerce site for it also...and personally, i don't really like baseball, just thought it might be an opportunity :) This will probably just end up on the shelf with many of my other domains...

Personally, not worth it. The bulk of traffic that could have come is dying by the day. However, you could do some fan stuff about them and try to sell merchendise, which may be decent. I know you are excited about them winning, but it just seems to be too much work for a commercial site. As a hobby for fun, go for it!
Yea, there's some money in trademark series is trademarked by the MLB. Giants alone, probably not. So like that one verizon site, maybe you could turn it into a forum site....I'd just be careful with it. I've had to advise clients against using anything world series related as the MLB likes to go after people with a giant stick.

Monty, do you want to chime in...or are you too busy playing flag football today?
jajaja...all very good points and i had no clue about the World Series being trade marked...I wonder how the World Series of Poker gets away with it?

Maybe I should do something with my GiantsWin site instead...hmmmm, who am I kidding, another shelfer to add to the

Plus nohel you should know this after reading my site :-D