Any Magento Designers and Programmers here?

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newbie taking action
Nov 3, 2008
Rating - 100%
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I need a Magento Design and some programming done. Anywone here have that ability? Please PM me a portfolio and contact info.

Attributes of a user-friendly site:
· Clean design
· Easy to navigate nav menus
· Superior product search features
· Simple check out process
· Express check out option
· Individual product pages
· Ability to compare air filters features
· Product Suggestions on individual product pages
· Live Chat
We want to autoadjust the website width to the visitor’s screen size?
· Website speed FAST

Product Population
· Use distributor’s feed to populate site
· Protect changes made to the feeds from being overwritten when feed runs
· Feed orders out from site to distributor
· Ability to feed through Merchant Advantage

Attributes of a SEO friendly site:
· Product specific landing pages
· Ability to create meta tags
· Ability to edit content of product listings
· Ability to prevent duplicate urls through 301 or canonical (see SEO section)
· Cron job set to automatically update our sitemap to webmaster tools
· Xml sitemap built and put into footer
· HTML sitemap needs to be built and put in the footer

Attributes of Marketing functionality:
· Promotion codes specific to individual product discount (in lieu of discount tied to entire order only discount)
· Email sign up box on all pages
· ‘Share this’ social media displayed on product pages
· Ability to hover over text and pop up additional information (example what is merv)
· Product Reviews-Customer comments and/or star system on individual product pages. Marketing to approve comments
· Ability to add labels to product images or pages (on sale, 20% off, new, special, etc..) Such as
· Ability to customize banners and replace banners
· Ability to feed to outside sales channels either through one feed to Channel Advisor or Merchant Advantage
· Ability to feed to Amazon and Ebay
· Customers ability to sign-up for automatic reorders
· Customers ability to sign up for email filter reminders
· Superior analytics data on conversion tracking

Additional Possible Functions DOWN THE ROAD: (Not included in current functionality)
· Fidelity or Points System, See
· Sharing Discount, See
· Abandon Shopping Carts analytics

Create Pages:
· Pages outlined in the Page Mapping Section
· Search results page with comparisons

Blank Pages: marketing dept. would provide content and set-up of these pages, need to be set-up these as blank pages within the website and links section:
· About Us (no follow)
· Contact Us (no follow)
· Return Policy (no follow)
· Affiliate Program
· Email Subscribe Page
· Email Unsubscribe Page
· How to select a filter?
· How to measure a filter?
· Privacy Policy (no follow)

Page Mapping: (wil be sent to possible candidates)

Additional SEO Section: Explain URL’s

301 non www to www
Ex. to
301 non slash to slash
Ex. to
301 to
The above can probably be done as Apache rewrites or htaccess rewrites

301 redirect Every duplicate product url to the / product.html url In Magento there are always 4 or 5 different url’s generated. If using Magento

Take all products that are the same with different sizes and put them in a product group. Then canonicalize the URL's in said groups.

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