Any ideas ??


New member
Nov 5, 2006

Hint: its green

Answer posted tomorrow if any interest

not cells / amoebas

its in your house most likely and not microscopic either.

roughly the size of a small bouquet of flowers

(not a a bouquet of flowers either...)
Makes sense now; it is an ascending animation of horizontal sections. Every time it went back to the beginning of the animation, I kept thinking 'cellulose'.
Broccoli my ass - had some tonight with dinner and it was not doing that.

Some forms of imaging can only represent in narrow 2 dimensional range at a time, So you're only looking at "slices" at a time. When I saw the image the first thought in my mind after seeing it play once again was "eh... looks almost like an ultrasound of broccoli" especially since the OP mentioned green, had he not even mentioned that your guess would have been as good as mine.