Any ideas on a CMS/script for a theme store?


New member
Feb 7, 2008
I've been thinking of selling themes for quite a small CMS that I have some experience in working with.

I don't have any experience in this area (the selling part anyway) and have been looking for the best way to handle sales, downloads e.t.c.

I'm not adverse to getting my hands dirty and coding something myself but that shit takes time and I'm thinking there must be existing solutions.
There are bunch of theme stores for wordpress that seem to be running on WP themselves, anyone know what system/plugins they would be using?

You could do all of this with ShopperPress. I haven't used it before, but it's been recommended a lot and I'm in the the process of launching some sites with it, so far it looks great.
Thanks for your suggestions.

ShopperPress looks good but I'm a bit put off by it being a theme rather than a plugin...More investigation needed.

I also found this one : PHPurchase | The Best WordPress Shopping Cart which is a bit pricey but looks good. Also it seems to work with the affiliate plugin made by the same guy who made the first cart plugin dchuk posted.