Any have a call center


New member
Feb 24, 2009
I am looking for someone who operates a call center specializing in edu and debt settlement. We are generating a large amount of leads for call centers and we are looking for a better payout from someone direct.

We might buy them let me ping me and let me know origination of the leads and price points you're looking for.
there are TONS of call center solutions out there that can handle any type of volume... just be careful, when you request information online they spam the FUCK out of you (I still get calls almost daily)

g00gle is ur friend
PM me, I'll hook you up with my bro. He runs a few call centers & they handle debt settlement leads.
I know of an amazing Call Center with american agents at very cheap prices. Sent PM
I am looking for someone who operates a call center specializing in edu and debt settlement. We are generating a large amount of leads for call centers and we are looking for a better payout from someone direct.

I run a few call centers in the northeast, and we handle many different products including debt with some of the highest payouts. Send me a pm, lets make some money. Interesting nextgen setup we have.