Any Hasoffer Wizards in Vancouver?


New member
Feb 6, 2008
Okay short story:

We are an advertisers in the paid financial newsletter niche. This niche is SEC-monitored, so we are choosy with who we work with.

We have a guy supplying us with leads that convert, we've paid him monthly. all is good. We do this with some home-brew manual tracking tools that I built and the tools basically suck huge donkey balls.

Okay, so we want to set up hasoffers just to work with this guy and if I have to figure this out myself, I'll figure it out myself.

But if I can find somebody with serious experience in setting up hasoffers network, that would save me time. And I'll pay for that, either with sushi and/or beer or cash or both. What-ever.

Preferably in Vancouver. I like to deal face-to-face.

If you know hasoffers in and out please shoot a pm

I setup tons of offers via HO...Hit me up if you would like my assistance, but I am in the states. A small fee would do.
The software is easy as shit man. It has a free one month trial. Use it for the first month to get accustomed to it. If you need any help or have questions, their support is pretty quick to get you an answer.
A wickedfire member helped me out so far with the simple stuff.

One of the last things to figure out is how to track conversions on different offers. For example, we have an order page with a monthly or yearly option. Our gateway payment processor can only direct to one confirmation page for every offer.

Like the hasoffers documentation isn't that well laid out so how the bleep do I drop a tracking variable? Maybe I should open a thread about that in design and development.

lolololol at all the studs who are looking down their noses at hasoffers. How are those colon cleansers coverting for you guys today? What's that in your mailbox, another love note from the FTC?