Any Google Apps Alternatives for Email on a Domain?


Movin to TX
Jan 3, 2009
Proudly Incorporated in WY
Too embarrassed to ask elsewhere and am lost trying to find it.

Are there any free webmail services whose mailservers I can point my domain's MX records to BESIDES Google Apps?

The webhost this domain is on is sucking but I don't feel like moving the whole thing. I don't want to use Google Apps anymore because I don't want Google to see me logging in from my IP to check the e-mails.


Unless I'm misunderstanding your question, couldn't you just use something like thunderbird? Otherwise, I think you may be somewhat paranoid about G. But I'm not judging, just sayin'. :p
Thanks all, consider this service ticket closed!

I worked around the problem using a catch-all on the domain in question, and having another Google Apps domain retrieve via POP3.

Then I added the SMTP account for domain in question to the Google Apps domain and it all looks legit to the user as long as I choose to send from the proper one.

Moral of the story: Don't use shitty SEO hosting with no webmail and only 1 e-mail account per domain if you need more than that!