Any good Google Search Results Harvester?


Make fun of 'em ALL!
Jun 19, 2009
Hello, I am working on a new website now and I need to find all the Google SERPs indexed pages of a website. I only need to scrape the pages/ posts of a website indexed in Google. I don't need to post or comment on that website. All I want is to use the [ intitle:Keyword Phrase] foot print in google and get the results in a notepad or excel. I have never used ScrapeBox but have heard good things about it. Is it still good for harvesting the indexed Urls of a website in Google? Or are there any alternatives? I don't mind if it is free or paid as long as it can get the job done.

I tried GreaseMonkey on Firefox with Google URL Harvester and it seems it is not working any longer. Also, I hear Gscraper is also good. Can you tell me which one is good for my needs? Thanks for your time.