Any further interest in gaming Digg?

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New member
Oct 8, 2006
Just a question. Not really a solution.

Does anyone here have any ethical issues with it?

It would work for a short while. But I heard that they were cracking down on this type of thing. One of their leading submitters was kicked off for taking money to stories he submitted for a company. But after a butt load of e-mails he got re-instated.

But come to think of it, if you make it random enough. How the hell would they be able to track this. And you only really need about 130 diggs on the weekend to get to the front page.

Give it a shot, and let us know how it goes. And I'm pretty sure you wouldn't be the only one doing this. Like Quadzilla said on Shoemoney's show ... the word "digg" = 15,000 uniques a day. So, I'm guessing here he's gaming digg in some way. Good luck.

Why bother with digg? Its too much effort unless you're doing stuff tech based especially when you can easily fool with netscape and get 5k hits a day with little effort and a couple proxies.
Am going for the "why re-invent the wheel" viewpoint. This discussion will go in all directions - might as wll provide a link to something that shows what has already happened in view of the question.

As mentioned already in another thread, I have WF mentioned in my DP threads - I believe the ratio is in WF's favour.

claudek dude, you love talking about DP.
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