Any advice on getting started with writing advertorials or copy?


New member
Dec 2, 2008
Holy shit, I haven't posted here since 2012.

Hey guys. I sort of dipped out of the affiliate space four years ago after picking up a job writing for one of the web's more popular tech publications. A few months ago, I left that job after a change in management. Those three years helped me earn a lot of experience in writing in multiple voices and styles, and for the past month or so I've been checking up on what's going on in the affiliate world.

How do I break through and bring my experience in marketing and writing together? I'm not interested in running my own campaigns right now. I'd like to get my feet a little wet first. What I would like to do is get into writing copy, advertorials, etc. I feel like I'd have a great knack for this sort of thing. Anyone I should go to? Anywhere online I can begin building a sample portfolio? Any advice or ideas on how I can get started would be appreciated.

Read cashvertising it has some great examples and you will get more ideas if you are creative...

one of the best marketing books
There are tons of free articles out there but I agree with DanTe_0101, Cashvertising by Drew Eric Whitman is a good read as well especially for newbies. Furthermore, should you be interested to learn more especially about Affiliate Marketing, you may sign up to my FREE Six Figures Coaching Program. Just add me up on Skype (Skype username: steinhoffs2000) so we can schedule some time to chat.