Anti-Paul ads on Adsonar


#1 Handegg Hater
Sep 30, 2007
Ron Paul Must Be Stopped - DSCC: Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee

retards said:
Extremist Republican Ron Paul could win the GOP nomination to run against President Obama. Paul would overturn a woman’s right to choose, believes Medicare is unconstitutional, and once published newsletters containing virulently homophobic, racist and anti-Semitic content. His views are simply dangerous.

Shit isn't even close to true. First time I've seen online ads attacking him, and it's from the democrats. They're getting scurred.

I don't wanna go all liesnillusions on everyone, but this is why I hate politics. It isn't even a serious race to get the best leader for the country. It's just a fucking circus/game with politicians doing anything to "win". And what a surprise - the best liar wins every time!

If RP doesn't win, what little faith I have left in our country will be lost.
They setup stuff like this to encourage people to donate. I wouldn't take it personally. As Paul gets deeper into the election, he is going to get attacked more and more.

Gotta have thick skin and a belief in what is what.
They setup stuff like this to encourage people to donate. I wouldn't take it personally. As Paul gets deeper into the election, he is going to get attacked more and more.

Gotta have thick skin and a belief in what is what.
This all the way