Another Trademark Questions

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New member
Oct 26, 2008
Long Beach
I've been testing out some pps offers and finally found a winner and in the process of scaling it up. The problem is some of the keywords that are converting and could worth the time to scale is involving trademark key term. However, there's no warning on using trademark term on search keywords, ads, or display url on the offer description page (there's warnings on different offers, so there should be warning if the merchant's concern about that).

In this situations, would you try to contact the merchant first or just promote the offer right away?

It all depends on how much you're willing to risk and whether or not you think the network will fight for you (and the money.) If you're cool with your AM I suggest at least getting their opinion. In all reality, if it's not in the terms you should be fine but then again you never know how it might play out.
It all depends on how much you're willing to risk and whether or not you think the network will fight for you (and the money.) If you're cool with your AM I suggest at least getting their opinion. In all reality, if it's not in the terms you should be fine but then again you never know how it might play out.

I've been thinking the same as well. Thing is the product is PPS and the the network does not have AM(CJ, linkshare, etc...) so the only choice is to contact the merchant directly.

It could be working that way but if i ask them directly, it's like giving them out the keywords, cutting my own throat. Maybe i'm being paranoid there, but you never know what they would think, or am i wrong here? I don't have much experiences in this kind of situations. Hope i could hear some thoughts.
Is it the merchant's trademark, competitor's trademark, or the trademark of a product the merchant sells? I'm not sure I understand the situation fully.
if its really not in the terms, i would screenshot the terms so that if they change it you have proof
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