Another Tesla Fire?


New member
Jul 18, 2009
When the markets closed today, a perfectly timed news article is released announcing that earlier this month a Tesla caught fire in a garage in Toronto. Here is an image:


The details of the event aren't really that clear. Neither the owner of the Tesla, the fire department nor Tesla know what sparked the fire. Apparently after the fire was reported, seven Tesla employees visited the site of the fire and even offered the driver an offer to take care of the damages free of charge. The driver declined the kind gesture. The only thing Tesla was able to confirm was what did not start the fire:

In this particular case, we don’t yet know the precise cause, but have definitively determined that it did not originate in the battery, the charging system, the adapter or the electrical receptacle, as these components were untouched by the fire.”

There are definitely a few suspicious items in the article. First of all, the day of release. Today Tesla put in the highest close to date, tomorrow is option expiration and in a few days we will have the earnings call. Second of all, why was the incident reported fourteen days after the actual event? Third, why did the driver decline help from Tesla? Fourth, the writer of the article is also a member of StockTwits.

Keep in mind that my positions are bearish in Tesla heading into tomorrow, so it is in my best interest to see a pullback - but at the same time I have to stay open minded to all the details.

You may find the rest of the article here: February 1st Toronto Tesla Fire - Business Insider

Pretty interesting.

Wouldn't be surprised if the owner was paid to have his car sabotaged.

Didn't top gear do something similar where they faked an engine failure?
Come on 'Grunin, you know manipulation is a fantasy. The whopping 3,xxx employees at the SEC have all of the financial markets in the US on lock-down.
Come on 'Grunin, you know manipulation is a fantasy. The whopping 3,xxx employees at the SEC have all of the financial markets in the US on lock-down.

I am not saying this is a case of manipulation, I am reported that the details over the event are pretty muddy.

By the way, fantastic video to watch regarding manipulation:

[ame=]Jim Cramer Explains How The Stock Market Is Manipulated - YouTube[/ame]
Didn't top gear do something similar where they faked an engine failure?

I remember something similar, too. I think they may have said after 20 or 30 minutes the battery died, when in fact it hadn't been charged or had been intentional.
It's a good idea to be bearish on tech stocks in general.

Sad to see Nikola's name being tarnished