Another Noob Journal


New member
Jun 12, 2009
Yeah another one of those. Hopefully it will stick. Mostly posting this to have some progression chart for myself. Who knows, maybe someone will find something useful here. I will try to update twice a week.

I have had a very short history with IM 6 months ago when I was injured and couldnt move around too much. I read a crappy BMD review and thought "hmmz this sounds easy". My entire research consisted of finding a product on clickbank that looked nice. Without any other research I bought 3 domains, in niches that turned out to be very competitive. I worked without any plan or aim for about two weeks and got discouraged pretty quickly. I have not done anything since. To date those sites have 440€ in adsense revenue, around $60 in clickbank and $1.40 in share-a-sale. That money is going back into this.

One of those sites has some keyword potential. The other two I will leave alone for now as one has a high google penalty for copyrighted images (i think) and is nowhere to be seen in search results but strangely enough comes up on first page in images search for a couple of KW. I am unsure what to do with it. The niche is too competitive for me right now anyway. The other one is just very competitive.

Anyway, over this week I have researched keywords, buying domains, writing content, building pages and so on for 5 domains.
One is a semi-finished (lots of related KWs to expand into) adsense site with CPC for keywords between 4-8 euro.
The second will be a clickbank site. CPC in adsense for KW is around 2€, so I will consider that. Bought the domain today.
The third will be monetized by share-a-sale, amazon, and possibly ebay. Its half finished, but its a pretty big site for me, around 100 pages so far, so we will see when it gets finished. (Any comments on ebay affiliate program btw? Pretty much all the sites in this niche seems to be monetized by ebay.)
Fourth is almost finished will be monetized by share-a-sale.
Fifth is one of my old sites which has some good long tail keywords i didnt use. So far its only adsense. The CPC is low but searches for the keywords are high. I am looking into other monetization methods. The old site is more or less finished but I will have to add pages for all the good long tails I found so lets say 30% finished.

Today, I interviewed a bunch of article writers and sent out keywords for 3 of them for 5 test articles articles. Lets see how that goes.

If anyone read this far, here is you reward.
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If anyone read this far, here is you reward.



I don't see much of a reward bro.
Hehe, i manage to mess up my first post, great. Sorry about breaking the rules.

Anyway, had an pretty hard exam this morning so not much got done in the weekend. Put in a solid 8 hours today, finished second site, wrote a bunch of articles and submitted some, came up with some ideas i might explore once i have found my rhythm. Also found some decent writers. Then I asked myself wtf i need those writers for if the articles will get spun anyway. I can slap together 4 decent articles an hour, but its adding the syntax and rewrites that's taking forever and boring me to tears. So i found some guys and sent them samples of what i want. So far one replied, im sending him some test articles to spin later.
Have been busy manually creating web 2.0 properties, social bookmarking them and money pages and submitting rss and pinging. One of the sites climbed from page three and is now on the 8th spot of first google page for its keyword. Two sited are on page 3, one is nowhere to be seen and the last doesnt seem to have been indexed yet for some reason.

The site on google page 1 has sent about 50 people to the offer out of 400 unique visitors. Thats 12.5%. I dont have a clue if that is good or not, if anyone want to offer any insights that would be appreciated.
Started reading ø Blue Hat SEO-Advanced SEO Tactics ø Saturday morning and the whole day passed me by without me even noticing...hehe lots of great ideas. Decided to try one of them and spent the whole day today fiddling with sql.....

Finally after a couple of hours I managed to create a >3000 page site from a random database i found. I could probably create one site/hour now if I find decent databases. Content from the database is already on some pages in google but i guess ill see how much of it I can get indexed just for the sake of it. Now to find some good unspoiled databases...

So basically i have been sidetracked all weekend. Note to self: Finish initial plans first, then try out new ideas.
Hi calamity. You seem to know what you are talking about which is nice to see! I am new at this too!! Could you do me a big favour and point me to some info on creating the webistes you refer to built from databases. I have been wanting to give this a try for ages but cant seem to find a tutorial... i know some basic php/mysql. Any help much appreciated. I can see in my head how it might work but don't know where to start.
Greyhat, the site I built I used a wordpress called plugin for. Just load the database and add titles and so forth in it and it creates the entire site for you. Its a little buggy but worked decent for the trial site. I will take a deeper look into this when school finishes in June. Send me a pm and we can chat on skype or something.

I have been writing articles, spinning, submitting and then building links to those. Bought scrapebox to build links to the web 2.0 and articles. Im scraping smallish <5k blog lists and writing higly relevant comments for the topic, with only a link in the name. Im getting between 20-60% posting success rate. Ill see what happens in a couple of weeks, hopefully at least 25% of those pass moderation.

That side project is getting indexed but so far not too well. Yeah i guess its brand new and im impatient. If anyone knows how to build a "rolling" sitemap, preferably in WP, that displayes different pages at the beginning of the sitemap i would be grateful if you shared some tips.
Watched the videos about landing pages on a4dhelp and saw some mistakes i had done with my landing pages, so I went and changed them a bit. Unfortunately lazyness hit me after that so i spent the rest of the day watching movies and getting fat :(

Not a complete waste of daytime though, sat and thought about how to make big sites for backlinks, and then I remembered that I had set up a autoblog 6 months ago which I at that time considered a big failure. I ran a "site:" check in google and it turns out that it has around 3000 pages indexed which is not bad since it only pulls from 6 or 7 sources and is set up to automatically remove posts older than 30 days. I guess it could have had 2x or 3x that amount had I let it keep all its generated pages. Its also nice to see that its getting indexed despite being all duplicated content and the post usually being only half a sentence. It has pagerank 0 and the deep pages has none, but i didnt build more than 10 links to it so thats not surprising. Now i just need to remember how the hell i built that thing. :D

OT: Mass Effect 2 has awesome music. YouTube - Mass Effect 2 OST - Suicide Mission
Just came home from a weeklong trip, I look forward to getting stuff done again.

After a quick look: One of the new sites have started getting sales, conversion is only 0.5% so i need to work on that. I tried out the fast indexing module for SB and shit, it worked too well, i thought i would get about a 100 links out of the list but I have about 3500 backlinks in yahoo on a domain less than one week old. Hope that google finds them slooowly.