Another "Guru's" eBook Indexed by Yahoo!

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thank you very much for this great ebook, now I know how to make money from the internet, before I did not think it possible but using your great ebook I am now making a recuring income of $.33 a day. That kind of money ads up fast, now I can buy Pabst Blue Ribbon instead of Pearl beer!
The direct link is:

If you find the information useful, please pay for the book.

Nah, just kidding.

Linking direct to the ebook is, perhaps, not a great idea for legal reasons! (The author could insist on its removal from this forum or threaten legal action!)
that is probobly the shittiest ebook i have ever read. I would be pissed if i paid $70 dollars for that. I felt smarter before i read it
Linking direct to the ebook is, perhaps, not a great idea for legal reasons! (The author could insist on its removal from this forum or threaten legal action!)

Removal of a link to a file he uploaded to his web site for all to download free? :D

If you don't want someone to access it at least password protect it.
No joke, I think the sales page took the author a lot more time and effort to write than the ebook :1orglaugh:
That is a poor quality ebook.

I am not as critical of ebooks as a lot of people on wickedfire, but when someone charges for an e book of that quality, I can certainly see wickedfire's point.
Sad thing is that ebook reeks of 'I HAVE NO KNOWLEDGE BUT YOU JUST PAID ME FUCKERS!' from the font size alone. I'd be willing to bet that their beloved 100 page ebook is really 50 pages of bullshit if it were a normal size.
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