Announcing - FREE Hangover Prevention Kits for WFers at ASW!


Movin to TX
Jan 3, 2009
Proudly Incorporated in WY
Hey everyone,

In two days I just made - going after the keyword Hangover Cures (yes my first of many shameless backlinks) and tons of long-tails.

Basically, I made this site because of NAC, an awesome antioxidant that is NOWHERE to be found when you google for hangover cures. It's legit.

To celebrate my first time meeting most of you, I'm putting together 100 Hangover Savior kits, consisting of:
- 2 x NOW Foods NAC
- 2 x Jarrow Formulas Milk Thistle caps
- 2 x NOW Foods B-100 Complex
- 2 x NOW Foods C-1000
- A little business card with my contact info
If you take one of each before and after drinking with plenty of water and electrolytes, then you WILL feel better the next morning.

I'm not saying you won't be hungover, but usually I wake up thinking "damn, I should be way more fucked up than this".

I'll be at TI and we're going out on Saturday. Come and find me and I'll hook you up with a kit.

I, of course, take no responsibility for your actions at ASW. This will not turn you into Superman. If you drink 2 pints of vodka, you are an idiot and are fucked no matter what you do.

I'd love feedback on the site too. It's not completed... the 2nd page has tons of blank content and I need a privacy policy and terms and conditions...

Just an example of the kinds of sites I build in my network after all my SEO talk.

Typically I don't send people to Amazon, and I'd love other suggestions, but the free shipping might convert well. If it was a bunch of meatheads, I'd send them to, but this is more for general people where I might get other purchases.

Party time!


PS - Thanks to BluAffiliate for the idea on the domain! He found a good name that could sneak the 's' in there to go after hangover cures without sounding too stupid.

PPS - If anyone wants to trump me and bring hangover patches instead, I'd love to try one. They're just expensive.

PPPS - Hoping/assuming too many of you guys aren't in this niche. I'm not betting the farm on this one anyway.

Well I guess this could work but the best hangover cure is just regular water.

Alcohol is a diuretic which means your body gets dehydrated when you consume to much alcohol.

So the head ache is not due to the amount of alcohol in your system but a lack of water in your system.

The hang over head ache is a dehydration head ache.

Its completely "preventable" by simply drinking about 16 oz of water before you pass out.

If you get to drunk and pass out, when you wake up drink the water and pass out again and wake up with no head ache.

So yeah I just shit on your thread and idea but come on. Hang over remedies that work?

Bullshit! If they don't cure dehydration they won't work.

PS: You'll probably make some money anyways so its all good in the end.
Well the site discusses hydration and electrolytes too (drinking all water will have you pee out even more electrolytes, so those should be replenished).. But I'm not gonna be buying you guys bottles of water.

I don't think you've ever had an epic, low blood sugar, liver-sick hangover. There's a lot more going on with bad ones than dehydration.

Dchuk's red wine has tons of congeners that his liver can't dispose of properly. That's where NAC helps.

My 35 year old buddy just gave me a testimonial today. He got ripped last night but I had pills on me and hooked him up before he went to town. Felt fine today but expected hell

About 30% of people don't get them. Lucky bastards.

Either way, it helps me in the 6-12 drink zone. If I'm over 15 drinks, these pills an all the water in the world won't save my ass for shit.

And yes, after SEOing, hoping for 10-20 bux a day. Not bad for 2 days work. Rinse and repeat. Lotta long tails too. Its a pain- and fear-based sale :)
Define irony: Dave and I are both dehydrated like mofos over here. Head feels fine though. It's only goin downhill from here. Got more vitamins and shit for anyone interested.

And which of you goons used my hangover sites aff links to buy nonlubricated condoms???? Thanks I guess.
I have my hangover, and Im loving it. Staring down a bottle of patron gold debating when to pick up again.