Angry Birds Fan Site


New member
Mar 1, 2009
My buddy runs an Angry Birds fan site and is getting about 50,000 page views/day.

Any offers or CPM advertisers you'd recommend he push? There is limited advertising right now, but he wants to monetize the site better.

angry birds is by far the most used application on my ipad

mobile/quizzes/possibly an email submit for ipad or general applications
in my experiences with osx/safari traffic there are generally 3 types of people with mac products, >21 trendy/hip/techsavvy/'will not click your crush ad'/hates any type of online advertising not by a major brand, >40 people who are difficult to categorize and may or may not be smart, and then the other type, who only have macs because they've been seduced by the brand and trends (not that the other group doesn't) but will still click your crush ads and are generally <25 and stupid enough to fall for mobile offers or other idiot stuff. figure out which you get traffic for, figure out what group angry birds attracts, do demographic profiles on other angry bird sites from quantcast, maybe try to get data from the angry birds people themselves, then attempt to monetize that. as far as cpa offers, you might get a higher epc/ecpm from just going with some sort of cpm network as a pub and then trying to get branders with mac products to pay high rates for your site. you could even reach out to other app devs or mac related products/services and tell them you're accepting advertising and if they'd be interested. it's hard to monetize the tech savvy audience with cpa offers. i mean imagine how your cpa stuff would do on reddit or something. it sounds like you might have enough traffic to be a pub in some of the networks like cpx/casale/tribalfusion/valueclick/burst/gorilla so you should reach out to ALL of them with an email to see what they can do for you. any networks that have high cpms and often promote corporate/tech type shit where they pay 5 dolla cpms n wanna billboard their shit. your traffic is probably but not definitely not ideal cpa traffic but it may possibly be very good traffic for a certain other type of monetization.
Im sure there is some good content here....but dude hit the "enter" key, its hard to read....

in my experiences with osx/safari traffic there are generally 3 types of people with mac products, >21 trendy/hip/techsavvy/'will not click your crush ad'/hates any type of online advertising not by a major brand, >40 people who are difficult to categorize and may or may not be smart, and then the other type, who only have macs because they've been seduced by the brand and trends (not that the other group doesn't) but will still click your crush ads and are generally <25 and stupid enough to fall for mobile offers or other idiot stuff. figure out which you get traffic for, figure out what group angry birds attracts, do demographic profiles on other angry bird sites from quantcast, maybe try to get data from the angry birds people themselves, then attempt to monetize that. as far as cpa offers, you might get a higher epc/ecpm from just going with some sort of cpm network as a pub and then trying to get branders with mac products to pay high rates for your site. you could even reach out to other app devs or mac related products/services and tell them you're accepting advertising and if they'd be interested. it's hard to monetize the tech savvy audience with cpa offers. i mean imagine how your cpa stuff would do on reddit or something. it sounds like you might have enough traffic to be a pub in some of the networks like cpx/casale/tribalfusion/valueclick/burst/gorilla so you should reach out to ALL of them with an email to see what they can do for you. any networks that have high cpms and often promote corporate/tech type shit where they pay 5 dolla cpms n wanna billboard their shit. your traffic is probably but not definitely not ideal cpa traffic but it may possibly be very good traffic for a certain other type of monetization.
Thanks for all the suggestions guys... I probably will have him throw up some quiz offers and may have him try to join a CPM network. What are some decent ones that will accept a site like this?
Thanks for all the suggestions guys... I probably will have him throw up some quiz offers and may have him try to join a CPM network. What are some decent ones that will accept a site like this?

Depends on what the sites content is like, you have your top tier networks like casale tribalfusion doubleclick and a few others, then you have other shit like adtregrity.

I've never played angry birds, but surely he could throw together a crappy ebook and that way he can atleast capture as many emails as he can for now and then when he works out a solid monetization method he should have a decent sized list.

Mind telling us approximately how much he is getting per thousand visits at the moment? I have quite a few sites in a similar situation and I've managed to get them up to the $1.5/1000 visits but that's still only $50 a day per site.