Andrew Myers of Dayton, OH - Job Search - DO NOT HIRE


Staff member
Jun 21, 2006
New York City
Hey look at that... with a bit of help from some pals on the interwebz, we are helping out in making you famous, Mr. Andrew Myers, you sick, twisted fuck!

See! A real news story in the real media, alongside your pal, the decrepit, Hunter Moore!

Anonymous Hunts Hunter Moore and copycat Andrew Myers to Hold Them ‘Accountable’ For Their Revenge Porn Empires | Betabeat

Awww, two drama queens together at last, swapping revenge pr0n of their neighbors' daughters, all while trying to hide behind their computers and seeking out LEGAL ADVICE from forums such as this one, and REALLY AWESOME LEGAL SITES.... Like Yahoo Answers!

Good job guys... You should be proud.

Oh, you're still reading, sorry about that...

I'm writing this to all of you future possible employers of Mr. Andrew "Drew" Myers from Dayton, OH. Don't even think about hiring that walking liability. He's probably wondering if your daughter is old enough for him to stalk and send out her contact information for a fee from a sex trafficker. Yeah, he's not opposed to that.

Yeah that Drew Myers from Dayton, Ohio is a indeed an unique piece. One of a kind.. I just wish, one of the victim would press charges. Along with all the assholes who uploaded the pictures in the first place..

And here is the special Karma Train for Drew..

Looks like the BBC just picked up the story of Hunter Moore . It looks like Andrew Myers dodged an international bullet. With the Hunter story picking up steam I would imagine more than 1 news outlet would be interested in a Hunter Moore Copy Cat who goes out of his way to stalk peoples Facebook accounts and publicly shame & harass them.
Well fuckin played WF, I did doubt that the story would go anywhere, but BAM. Justice is being served.
holy shit......finally got a dofollow link from an authority site.......tood bad the site's down now.
Unfortunately for Mr Andrew (drew) Myers, this story is starting to gain some traction. There are already a number of news outlets citing this story. Luckily for Drew Myers it appears that their is a bit of a witch hunt for his idle Hunter Moore going on at the same time.
Unfortunately for Mr Andrew (drew) Myers, this story is starting to gain some traction. There are already a number of news outlets citing this story. Luckily for Drew Myers it appears that their is a bit of a witch hunt for his idle Hunter Moore going on at the same time.

Or unlucky if spin can ensure the two become inextricably linked.