And now: Let us bow our heads and Pray


New member
Jan 13, 2010
Mempho backwoods

From the city that brought Elvis, BBQ, and Blues...Amen bros.

I'm irritated at Christians again today. I'm probably in one of the least Christian areas of the world, and I still can't get away from them. Was stuck in town today waiting for my new laptop to get setup, so went for a beer, and got stuck talking to this dick who wouldn't shut up about Christianity.

Going off about how Christians just look so much happier, and they have a special "glow" in their eye. Then of course he tells me, "that's why I know you're a Christian, because you have that special glow in your eye". Sorry buddy, but furthest thing from a Christian.

And he just wouldn't shut up. Then we ended up talking about missionaries going around the markets here, spreading Christianity in foreign countries. I said I thought it was the height of arrogance, and his excuse was "they're just doing their job". That was actually his fucken excuse!!! Unreal. Then I just got irritated and say, "well the prison guards at Auschwitz were just doing their job. doesn't make it right".

Bit crude, but it abruptly put an end to the conversation, so mission accomplished. Bloody religious people. Believe whatever the hell you want, but keep it to yourself.
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