and btw

I've had my ups and downs, my fair share of bumpy roads and heavy winds.
Now i stand here before you.
What you see is a body crafted to perfection, a pair of legs engineered to define the laws of physics, and a mind set to master, the most epic... of splits.

Jean Claude Van Damme.

I'm drunk. No idea what that means, but it sounded epic. So I give you a "like" and a quote.

what U mean?

marx coined the term to paint a target on rich peoples heads. get some education
marx is dead, yet every successful person thinks of itself as a filthy bastard. thats legacy
pursue lukep 7k awesome bizopp idea special remix deluxe. will cleanse you off your money very fast

especially when the worlds largest exchange, which supposedly is just a platform for people to trade on, shuts down because it cant handle the volume anymore.
If you go to college for anything other than STEM, cultural marxism will make you it's bitch.