Analyze This For Me?


Level 3
Dec 2, 2012
Attached. What are the pro's/con's of this search? Is it a good start to a niche?


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Have you searched using "Exact Search" or "Broad Serarch"
Also you need to check which websites are ranking in Google for the keywords.
Have you searched using "Exact Search" or "Broad Serarch"
Also you need to check which websites are ranking in Google for the keywords.

Thanks for the reply.

That was a broad search. Using the "Only show ideas closely related to my search terms " per Google, the numbers are vastly smaller.

In regards to ranking searches, do you look up each one or just the more prominent ones?
What are the exact match numbers? Broad matching is way too broad and includes things that are not related.

Exact match attached.

EDIT: Also included a secondary search I'm using for comparison. Perhaps you could give me clues to which has greater opportunity. The 2nd is simply the same keywords as the first, with one additional.


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  • exact2.jpg
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It's hard to say without knowing what your keywords are. You need to figure out the OCI (Online Commercial Intent). The keywords look like they've got plenty of traffic. But if you're not targeting the right way you may not get as much out of the campaign as you'd like.

I use Ultimate Niche Finder which has an OCI column. I know Microsoft Ads used to have a tool for this. Not sure if it's still around or not. Not saying you can't still make monies from people just researching. You'd just have to do it from a different angle and will probably want to start list building. Just my 2 cents.
It's hard to say without knowing what your keywords are. You need to figure out the OCI (Online Commercial Intent). The keywords look like they've got plenty of traffic. But if you're not targeting the right way you may not get as much out of the campaign as you'd like.

I use Ultimate Niche Finder which has an OCI column. I know Microsoft Ads used to have a tool for this. Not sure if it's still around or not. Not saying you can't still make monies from people just researching. You'd just have to do it from a different angle and will probably want to start list building. Just my 2 cents.

Not sure what OCI is, even after googling. Does it mean something along the lines of "What direction do I think those keywords are going, and how to monetize from it in the future?"

I also don't know what list building is..? I assume a list of "keywords" which are most sought after in relation to close proximity of your exact search.
OCI is the intent of the buyer. Is he or she in buying mode or research? Does he want to get information then make a purchasing decision? Run your keywords through this free online tool I found

Commercial Intent Tool From Stattics Media

The higher the score means it's likely the user is in buying mode for the keywords. List building allows you to build an email list of potential buyers/subscribers. If they're in research mode you could say give away some teaser information about whatever it is they're looking for and promise them some report sent to their inbox if they opt into your email list.

Having their email will allow you to send out tips or whatever and mix in offers to monetize.
OCI for both was read as "LOW" per your link. So in other words, they are information seekers. Ergo, I would need to tailor my monetization to heavy traffic, rather than affiliatie marketing.. yes?
OCI for both was read as "LOW" per your link. So in other words, they are information seekers. Ergo, I would need to tailor my monetization to heavy traffic, rather than affiliatie marketing.. yes?

It's really up to you. Like I said, it's hard to give advice without knowing your niche. You'll have to figure that out for yourself. Your best bet is to just test both Adsense and AM offers (if available) and see which gets you more money. Depending on the niche, you may be able to put your own offer together.
last question: is there any general rule of thumb for when using exact search on google adwords on what to look for in regards to
Competition v.Global Monthly Searches v. Local Monthly Searches
ie. do you expect to do well in a keyword area where the exact search gets over 100 Million global monthly searches but says low competition? or do you want to target something <25,000? or is there any correlation like that?
Ignore competition. Globals, for a proper site, have to be minimum 20k exact searches for me. You may want to start with a 10k minimum though, since you're new.

Just look at intent though. Don't worry about using tools, they won't be able to predict as well as your mind can. Think about the mindset of the people searching. Are they about to buy/sign up to/apply for something? If not, that keyword's off the list. Let's apply that to your Early Education keyword. Are they doing any of those? Nope, they're looking for information. Let's change it to "Online Education". Now, that's clearly better, as after that, they're clearly thinking about buying something, but they're still not quite at the stage to buy. However, if it had 10x as many searches as the long-tail, that's fine. However, if it didn't, then I'd look for something like "Best site to get online education" etc.

P.S. Ignore Broad searches, only look at exacts. That screenshot above is clearly broad match.
Are you going to do ppc or just doing seo? I think you're over thinking this. If there's that much traffic yes, you're going to probably have a lot of competition with some aged authority domains. My suggestion is to start out of the gate with a quality site. Don't try and cut corners. You can make good money with far less traffic if you execute the right plan.

I used to throw up a site, run a lot of links to it and get it ranking. It was always a pissing contest with my top competition. I've had people flood my new domain with links to drop me off (happened a lot actually). If I could go back, I would have just built out quality properties to begin with. Every site that I've xrumered, scrapeboxed and other similar tools tanked. Yeah, you'll probably make a few k but you always find yourself scrambling after each update or when your competition tries to throw you down the SERPS.

If your site is built to some sort of quality and it's shared naturally you shouldn't run into those problems. Your site should absorb those bullshit attacks easily. Not to mention if you start building out a list you can have a way to reach out to potential buyers weekly offering all kinds of shit to spend their money on. And don't just rely on Google man. Take it down the social channels as well. Build your site up. If you're able to place some great content on your site people will naturally pick that up and syndicate it for you.

You can also toss some stuff out to Ezines and the like to get your content distributed. Not to mention Twitter can get you in touch with the people you're looking for. Just make sure you use the correct hash tags. You're also forgetting to do your research on your competition that somebody has already pointed out. Pull the top 5 domains and pull their backlink portfolios. That should give you an idea of what kind of work needs to be put in to climb up the ladder.
P.S. Ignore Broad searches, only look at exacts. That screenshot above is clearly broad match.

Your response was very valueable to me. That's exactly what I needed to hear.

But the very last image I posted: Exact Search.
Are you going to do ppc or just doing seo? I think you're over thinking this. If there's that much traffic yes, you're going to probably have a lot of competition with some aged authority domains. My suggestion is to start out of the gate with a quality site. Don't try and cut corners. You can make good money with far less traffic if you execute the right plan.

I used to throw up a site, run a lot of links to it and get it ranking. It was always a pissing contest with my top competition. I've had people flood my new domain with links to drop me off (happened a lot actually). If I could go back, I would have just built out quality properties to begin with. Every site that I've xrumered, scrapeboxed and other similar tools tanked. Yeah, you'll probably make a few k but you always find yourself scrambling after each update or when your competition tries to throw you down the SERPS.

If your site is built to some sort of quality and it's shared naturally you shouldn't run into those problems. Your site should absorb those bullshit attacks easily. Not to mention if you start building out a list you can have a way to reach out to potential buyers weekly offering all kinds of shit to spend their money on. And don't just rely on Google man. Take it down the social channels as well. Build your site up. If you're able to place some great content on your site people will naturally pick that up and syndicate it for you.

You can also toss some stuff out to Ezines and the like to get your content distributed. Not to mention Twitter can get you in touch with the people you're looking for. Just make sure you use the correct hash tags. You're also forgetting to do your research on your competition that somebody has already pointed out. Pull the top 5 domains and pull their backlink portfolios. That should give you an idea of what kind of work needs to be put in to climb up the ladder.

Thanks a million for this. I didn't think about "reverse-searching" my competition for backlinks. Now that you mention it, I can't believe I haven't. I am a complete Twitter whore, I promise you, and I do exactly what you say in that regards. In fact, I have 2 sites now rolling, and I started the Twitter account to the second over 2 months ago, and have a great, non-FF following.

I'm not, however, understanding this:
"I've had people flood my new domain with links to drop me off (happened a lot actually). "
What does that mean?
Thanks a million for this. I didn't think about "reverse-searching" my competition for backlinks. Now that you mention it, I can't believe I haven't. I am a complete Twitter whore, I promise you, and I do exactly what you say in that regards. In fact, I have 2 sites now rolling, and I started the Twitter account to the second over 2 months ago, and have a great, non-FF following.

I'm not, however, understanding this:
"I've had people flood my new domain with links to drop me off (happened a lot actually). "
What does that mean?

Once you get to the top people try shady shit to make you go away. For example, a new site I got to rank rather fast a couple years ago ranking #1 for my keywords. Some douche completely jacked my site design and proceeded to send me thousands of links that sent me away fast. I've actually had this happen a couple times. I really didn't have the quality needed or a domain that was aged to handle the assault if you know what I mean.
Right on. Well thank you very much, you've been a super help. I need to study up on my linking this weekend. :)